
That was exactly what I was thinking!! The article said they didn’t have kids but my first thought was “forget kids, who’s taking the dog??” I mean, he’s driving halfway across the state to get alligator meat or whatever for him because he keeps developing allergies to things. That dog, man, I remember hearing that

I agree, I think a lot of the time it simply falls under, “We didn’t realize that it would actually need to be written down that this is a bad idea...”

now it’s light blue and sorta copper. LOL Optics are fun!

I really think it’s just a trick of the optic nerve. I studied optics and color and such in school, our brains do a lot of adjusting all the time we don’t notice at all until something like this pops up. It’s just really trippy when happens.

Yes, this. I’m fine with an anti-hero, but she is just so oblivious and entitled and stupid. If anything her character has gone backwards rather than forwards as far as any development goes. I just can’t care about her anymore, and as she is still the main focus I can’t ignore her enough to watch the rest of it.

I have an amber screen filter for my phone and the difference as to how soon I fall asleep after reading (I read books on my phone) is way bigger than I ever anticipated.

Just now, and this is SUPER weird, when I opened the article it was black and blue, without any question. When I scrolled up to look at it again after finishing reading it was white and gold. I cannot see it as black and blue again.

I tailor my own stuff all the time, and you are correct about the boob area. The hack she used is great if you are around a B cup, but if you’re a DD then chances are if the shoulders fit on a men’s shirt then the chest won’t have any room for alterations

I like a lot of the looks they have, but I hate scuba and neoprene. I have no idea why they are so in love with those fabrics.

Or they both knew it was over but decided to wait until after the baby was born, given that Janet was on permanent bed rest and all. They might have wanted to avoid the gossip shit show until they knew the baby was safe.

I have a feeling, given her age, that the conception and pregnancy probably weren’t exactly a walk in the park either. I wouldn’t be surprised if the year-plus saga of bringing a (probably very wanted) baby into the world, and then the stress and turmoil of the kiddo actually arriving made for an insurmountably

This lovely tome will also help her in remembering unique is an absolute modifier. It is impossible for her situation to be “very unique.”

Honestly, I bought an Esther Williams style one piece and sewed a thin, skin matching bra into it.

You aren’t alone. I have a long torso too and it’s tricky. Tie back halters are generally ok, since I can make that a little looser, but I generally try to find the one cute tankini in existence to avoid the issue altogether.

Not everyone always has access to a shower. If I run during my lunch break, which I do on occasion, I do something similar to this because I don’t have a locker room in my office and have to do my cleanup in the restroom.

I especially can’t shave every day during the summer, my skin is too dry, I would be an itchy, flaky mess. I have really pale skin and dark hair, but every other day or even every two days seems to work for me without anything being noticeable.

lol just blue jeans, for the most part. My skin is dry and very pale. So, especially if it rains or something my skin will suck up the dye from even slightly damp fabric. Then I come home, get undressed, and realize that my leg are blue. It happens with different brands too, so it isn’t that, it’s just something my

I’ve found my skin is super fond of the dye in my pants and has decided it really wants more than anything to be smurf blue as often as possible. Because of this I need to scrub my legs and moisturize like hell or buy a long, blond wig and a short white dress and pumps. I’m going with the scrubbing for now. If that

Your boyfriend is adorably naive and deluded.

I watched Angry Birds one rainy day out of morbid curiosity. It was better than I expected.