
I have had it be a successful thing in a relationship. I will say it was a pretty unique situation and I doubt it would have worked as well with any of the other folks I have dated. I will say it took a whole lot of trust and a WHOLE lot of talking, way more that either of us originally thought, but in the long run it

I think you hit on something interesting in regard to the long distance relationship. When the girl was visiting the UK, LongDistance, how much effort did you put into making her part of your world there? Did you introduce her to your friends? Help her feel comfortable around folks she could hang out with without you?

Do not do this. Ever. If you think going through a partner’s PHONE is bad? Taping them in their own bedroom when they thing they are alone is so beyond the pale I don’t even have an analogy. Even if both partners know it’s happening it is a HUGE breach of privacy for the third party. There is no way in the world this

I’m a woman and have totally accepted that from my male partner. He needed to figure it out, we opened everything up for a while so he could. The relationship ultimately didn’t work out, but not because of that.

me too, it makes it sound like you’re applying to be a zookeeper or something.

That’s why you sell the CUPS and not the BOOZE (even for the bottles and punch, you give them a cup to pour the bottle into). You can’t get busted for selling cups. Not that we did that in college ever... No, not us...

I’ve pretty much stopped with the online dating, it just really doesn’t mesh well with my personality. I did learn one thing when I was giving it a try, though:

Another Middle Aged woman here.

All of these things. If you really are a good guy (as opposed to a Nice GuyTM) just understand women really are inundated with so much nonsense. Have a little sympathy. Yeah, it’s unfair you might get lost among the crap, but it’s unfair we deal with the crap to begin with. Most women are more than a little gun shy.

We had a dog who wouldn’t carry it to the carpet, but would take a mouthful of kibble, spit it out on the ground next to her bowl, pick out her favorite kibble bits, then start over, leaving the not favorites. She would eat all her favorites first, then go back and eat the rest of the (apparently not as tasty) kibbles

Very much so. I only take solace in that our country can’t get an Interstate that long built in four years. Good luck on a G.D. wall.

I love that Elie Saab understands a woman’s need for pockets.

The kick-out is generally how to walk in a floor length dress when you don’t want to move the skirt with your hands. You see actresses doing it in period costumes as well. It can look a little odd because we don’t often wear clothes like that anymore, but it’s how women kept from tripping for centuries.

That sounds terrifying and hilarious at the very same time.

I never use a brush on my hair the once I’m out of the shower. I use my Wet Brush when the conditioner is in it, then I just finger comb it while it’s wet to get the tangles out.

Mattis was a good choice, so I’m fine with any Dem who voted for him. I need more information that a blurb like that, these things aren’t black and white.

This really isn’t all that new, there was proposed stuff like this in the 70s and 80s too. We need to be vigilant, but this isn’t a new tactic by the Powers That Be to quash dissent.

That is always my answer to that idiocy: “Yes, the states’ right to create laws making it OK to own people.”

thank you!!!!!

If those Russians are very actively campaigning that we build gulags in MT and kidnap people from their homes in the middle of the night because they spoke against the government? Yeah, I might punch them. We aren’t talking about GERMANS, we’re talking about NAZIS. Active, hate spewing Nazis trying to reinstate some