
I have a sneaking suspicion G-ma was one of the ones who taught him his politics and moral code.

Good lord, stay safe. Thanks for doing the hard work.

Yeah, I keep it as a general guideline- I do think that should be the first response. HOWEVER, I do think there is a line in the sand and a lot of these Alt-right groups are so far past it it is no longer even visible.

I hate to ask people to do work for me, but I also don’t want to give those assholes click traffic, does anyone have their address to add to the form?

That quote is actually way better than the paraphrased one.

So, basically, he now feels the way he was very aggressively trying to make anyone who was not a white, Northern European feel? Boo fucking hoo, special snowflake (pun intended).

I have been watching that! I really like it, but I’m getting a bit tired of the whole “romantic” subplot.

That was the response I got a while ago, the only option was to open a new account with a temporary lower rate and balance transfer... And I guess you COULD close the old one after that... It was not worth it after breaking down the details.

That’s pretty much my plan for my Chase card. It isn’t awful, but there are so many better, more flexible companies out there. If it ever becomes too big a PIA I’ll cancel it, but right now as soon as it’s paid off it’s going into the drawer as my “For MAJOR emergency only. No, Bigger Emergency than that.” card.

yes, and you are so so very right. Actually the oil companies are very quietly doing a whole lot of R&D on renewables... That they will but out when the oil is no longer profitable, but not a second sooner. 1. the politicians know this and so backing the oil company boats is still a good bet. 2. Investing in other

That was actually my question as well. In the name of fairness I was wondering if the pictures were taken around the same time of day, though I doubt it would have mattered all that much.

All the stars.

I have a feeling they’re pretty easy to come by in a place as cold as Green Bay. :)

Also, isn’t the man a little more concerned with oh, I don’t know, all the PLAYOFF GAMES he is expected to win right at this moment? After stepping into the shoes of the longest running QB EVER? I have a feeling not only is he more than a bit camera shy he’s also in a place where he just can’t deal with this nonsense

I think you are 100% right.

While a man watching out for the environment by labeling a cup to facilitate re-use rather than using the wasteful one-cup-per-drink policy is very arousing I do think Toby would need to do a bit more than that for the mass panty dropping he insinuates is occurring for that small act of conservation.

Yes they are. And I will fully admit that it is kinda fun to sing to yourself, “red solo cup, I fill you up” while you actually do so; other than for that very isolated time in life that song is a blight on everything decent about music.

I really like this series. The story line is good, I did get a wee bit sick of the “oh ho! Look how clever we are, we snuck this real life historical person/news event into the story to interact with our fictional characters! Back pats for us!” that happens from time to time. It isn’t so bad that it makes me give up

I love Cadfel mysteries!! So good!! I used to watch them with my mom!

Have you seen Copper? I really like that one. It’s a Civil War-era cop show. It is very good and I’m really hoping they make one more season.