Honestly, I read it more as the kid demanding the attention, not the comfort. It’s not so much about needing her mom to sleep as it is about keeping her mom with her in her room rather than with the boyfriend.
Honestly, I read it more as the kid demanding the attention, not the comfort. It’s not so much about needing her mom to sleep as it is about keeping her mom with her in her room rather than with the boyfriend.
Now I want to know if he really just wanted a bag of birdseed.
That was my first thought too, “huh, so Ludacris uses Secret deodorant? Interesting choice, my friend.”
This is why I think it’s bogus to try to do this as an even semi-permanent thing. If you are doing it the way it started out, where you rent out your space for a couple weeks a year when you’re on vacation, or offer your guest room during tourist season but you’re still there to keep an eye on things I think it works…
I’ve been to overnight parties at AirBnB houses. Granted, ours were pretty low key, friend reunion type parties, nothing that would really bug neighbors I don’t think, but we were definitely having a party. I could see jerky people figuring they can throw a much rowdier party if they are there for a…
I think he’s right. It’s great he’s ultimately on your side, which is the most important part. Just also remember she’s his mom, so don’t ask him to talk shit or anything, or expect him to listen to you slag on her (that’s what your girlfriends are for). Just ask him to be on your side and knowledge when she’s being…
That’s what I was thinking. I almost fell bad for her on that front. “So, um, yeah, I know this isn’t the best timing, Johnny... Sorry... But, can I get your signature here?”
but are they, like, normal? Or that weird, waxy, shiny crap Sears made those “stain resistant” chinos out of in the late 90s?
Yes. This is so very true. This is also what is SO annoying to me about this current era of everything being a battle and needing to “win” each argument; not because it’s best for the country but so their “team” gets the “point”. it leads to slapdash, ineffective legislature that doesn’t actually do anything since…
Granted, I’m no lawyer so take this for what it is, but at least in SF you are required to register your Airbnb with the City and charge Hotel tax (or AirBnB has to add it on, anyway). So I’m thinking that means you fall under whatever law governs hotels rather than home rentals? Or at least a good lawyer could go…
They’ve done that a couple times and I enjoy it. I remember Father’s Day for Season four was pretty fun.
Well it would be an automatic callback to Daynarys coming out of Drogo’s pyre, so it would have been a dead on giveaway to his parentage as far as I’m concerned; which would have been cool but maybe not how they wanted to really set that one in stone.
Ooh, that would have played very well into the L+R=J theory, I would have liked that.
Because most of the time people come out pretty quick. It uses less gas to idle that it does to turn off the car and start it up again if it’s only a minute or two. Plus, depending on the situation, if you’re blocking someone’s driveway or something while you wait you might need to move to get out of someone else’s…
This makes me happy. I worked with Amy Grant on a benefit show once and she was the kindest, most openly friendly individual I have ever met. Girl actually has some pipes on her too.
Thanks for this. When I was younger a Becky was a white girl, usually a specific slightly snobby, entitled WASPy type of white girl, but just a white girl. Not the “other woman” not a girl who does anything specific (except maybe be annoying), just a white girl. As in “Oh my GOD, Becky.” I was starting to wonder if…
That came out in 2009 “Oh. My. God. Becky. Look at her butt...” was years before that.
I’m burning gas as the driver waiting in front of your house. Should I just eat that cost while you find your shoes? Plus the time I wait is time I could have been picking up someone else. Five minutes is a long time to let a car idle.
It doesn’t work that way. I drive for Uber, it uses your GPS to notify the rider, you don’t tell the app when you get there.