I love that scene.
I love that scene.
I totally agree with you. It is the Odyssey and while I read it when I was around ten or twelve and loved it, I wouldn’t really categorize it as a specifically kids book either. I will say, though, that the violence is of the kind that I think having a kid read it will basically be a lesson in “the world is not always…
Fiver is the psychic one. He’s also the littlest.
Yes! That was my problem too! These were nice guys, not Dick Pic Sending Assbros but... Oof so tiring and boring to text everything, there is really no way to develop a conversation flow. Which is apparently really important to me. Who knew?!
Agreed. I tried it for a while and realized that I really, really hate making small talk via email (or message or whatever you want to call it). I pretty much gave up for the simple reason it felt both unfair and a waste of time to let someone know I was possibly interested yet know there was no way any messaging…
I wear Champion high impact sports bras. They aren’t too horribly expensive, I can find them for around $40. They aren’t all that cute or super flattering(though they have started making more colors, so there’s that, at least) but nothing moves. At all. It’s wonderful.
Fun Fact! This is part of why women’s clothes button right over left, and men left over right. If you have a maid/steward dressing you they are likely right handed. Women’s clothes usually button up the back, so it is easier for a right handed person if the buttons are on the left placket. Men’s clothes usually button…
I shower round about twice a week unless I get visibly dirty or sweaty somehow. I have horrendously dry skin and showering any more than that, with or without soap, turns me into a giant ball of itch. I don’t smell, I have asked trusted people to verify.
I am so over exposed seams. I didn’t love them when they first started, but it was something a little different so I rolled with it. Now it’s so ubiquitous, I’m reminded why I hated it in the first place, you either look like your clothes are inside out or you’re wearing a home ec project. I feel the same way about…
I agree high quality polyester totally has it’s very good uses, like knits and such. I don’t hate the poly label immediately, but yeah, 90% of woven poly is crap.
That explains it. I bet the reason it ended up cutting them “even though they practiced with it a lot” was because with each rehearsal the razor cut through the tape just a little bit until a corner of the blade worked it’s way through. It’s a common issue with cutting props, that’s why you need to check the tape…
I was wondering that too... Does she actually refer to the guitar player in her band as “guitar guy,” which I don’t think he’d appreciate, or was she talking about the tech or another roadie who’s title it’s more likely she wouldn’t know?
We call those people turtles. They are awful, especially on a bus. Take off the backpack and put it at your feet, turtle!
Me too! Why do so few people understand this and look at me like I’m crazy?
Thank you! :)
Yeah, it was really sad.
It happens. A friend of mine had a brain aneurysm in his sleep when he was 30. He just went to sleep and didn’t wake up, he wasn’t sick at all prior.
I had a dress almost exactly like this one for prom when I was a Sophomore and my friend asked me to be his date. It was Jessica McClintock and it had a bow on each shoulder rather than one in the front, but otherwise pretty much identical. I remember thinking I was such hot shit when Brenda and Kelly wore a dress so…
I made my prom dress too! In 1994! It was a black satin a-line slip dress with a blue brocade bolero. I was very proud of myself.
I’m a receptionist and I have Gucci shoes. Consignment, baby!