
It can, that would be very much on the longer end but it’s possible. It depends on the person and how much they took. Plus their mental state before they took it can make a difference. Psychotropics are unpredictable.

This is what I was thinking. That or this guy had some other, possibly undiagnosed, mental situation that reacted badly with it.

Agreed. I decided long ago I would never sleep with someone I wasn’t attracted to (even if that attraction only lasted the night, that’s cool, but no “well, you’re here...”), I would never sleep with someone I didn’t actually like as a person (I don’t judge others who do it, but I personally have never understood the

I’ve only been asked a couple times and each time, with the exception of girl talk with best friends, I’ve always asked why they want to know. Most of the time it’s a judgy question and I don’t care to play into that because there is no right answer. Especially because my answer is that I honestly have no idea at this

me too. How else are you supposed to avoid swamp ass on especially hot days?

I think 2.1 would be the working version. They’re 2.1 while they figure out what’s up until they re-marry at which point it would upversion to 3.0.

I know a couple people who do this and they love that it isn’t up to one person to keep track of everything. If it’s private, they give their personal email, family info, the joint one.

I have a few friends who set up a“family” email account. They still each have their own, but they use the family one for things like the kids’ schools, soccer teams, their church and other community stuff. It just makes it easier because they way they both have access to the information right away and it isn’t dumped

These ate exactly the kinds of things I say/examples I use when I discuss with guys why patriarchy not only hurts women but men too. It’s usually a really good opening because even if they don’t think it applies to them directly they know a lot of dudes who have really been into a girl but felt weird because she was

Yes! Just take my resume! I swear everything is in there, your bot will read it just fine.

That phrase is my #1 red flag at this point.

YES! Also “Office Rock-Star” means you will be running the whole place single-handedly on a Receptionist salary because we don’t want to pay an Operations Manager and a Receptionist. But we will still find a way to get your job categorized as Exempt because we don’t want to pay overtime for your 90 hour weeks.

Somewhete Michaelangelo is nodding his head in sympathy.

You were raised right.

Exactly these things are important and go both ways. I love pets, but I just cannot have them sleep in the room, it aggravates my asthma and I’m a light sleeper so just the jingle of collars is too much. That, I feel, is a reasonable request. If some dude flat out put his pets’ right to sleep in my bed over my health,

I am so glad I am not alone with that. You’re either going to get a shitty BJ or I’m not going to notice what you’re doing. It doesn’t seem worth it for more than a couple minutes at the most.

Jack Black. It’s usually in the men’s section. I love that stuff, it soaks in quickly and works really well.

Also, who cares if the dudes wants to bang her? Seriously, what the hell difference does it make? If she doesn’t want to as well it’s a moot point. Most of the guys you’re talking about it’s probably at the end of the day just a curiosity not an overwhelming obsession anyway. Shoot, I want to bang a lot of my guy

Also, part of the building is public, it isn’t completely occupied by Kink. As you noted, if you wander off into a part of the building not controlled by them first off you are potentially trespassing into someone else’s space and they also have no control over who you may or may not come into contact with. It is also

I was talking to someone who helped plan our most recent one and a lot of the time it isn’t intentionally leaving anyone out, but it can be really hard to find a way to contact everyone, especially as time goes by. Facebook and such have made it easier, but the further some people drift the harder it can be to get in