Exactly. This doesn’t seem strange to me at all. My mom has changed a few for her grandkids when needs be, but for the most part they both did their time and really shouldn’t need to do any more if the parents are around.
Exactly. This doesn’t seem strange to me at all. My mom has changed a few for her grandkids when needs be, but for the most part they both did their time and really shouldn’t need to do any more if the parents are around.
Agreed, this kind of script makes it feel less awkward, which is what I think makes most people shy away, but just getting the words out is the most important part.
Baby bunnies are super fragile. I believe it.
I can’t see it either
Yeah, I would assume so as well, and I would think she would grant allowances for that, but it’s easy for people outside the system to forget. :)
A kid can have a phone with twitter access but not a PC or internet in their home. That’s pretty common in low income areas.
Exactly, if you don’t have internet access at home, which given it’s a public school is very possible, you should get leeway, otherwise, it’s not a vacation day, kids.
Yeah, I would do the same. It’s called manners. I mean, I can be polite to a politician I think is awful and still tell him that I do not agree with him/her AT ALL if anything I don’t agree with them on happens to come up. Though if it were a social event think I would try not to have politics come up, because, again,…
Once a week seems completely reasonable. Just don’t do it the way my roommate’s mom did- call at 6am on Saturday just to make sure she spent the night at home (this was obviously pre-cell phone). That was SUPER annoying for both of us and made her mom look like an overbearing freak and roomie just ended up not wanting…
we always used a super basic sugar cookie recipe, mostly because my mom just couldn’t be bothered to do anything fancier. It’s also important to really not cook them too long because they are pretty small surface area-wise.
We had a cookie gun growing up. It was basically the same as this one, only all metal. That thing is amazing, we used it every single year. My mom still uses it with my nephews. Seriously if you really do like making Christmas cookies this thing is very useful and does not end up at the back of the cupboard with the…
I know my narrowest are closer to 1/4”. At the same time I don’t take public transit in those. I call them my “taxi shoes” because if I wear them I am definitely taking a taxi.
Thank you for sharing. I don’t really have anything to add, but I do want to very sincerely wish you healing and love and peace. You should not have had to experience what you did.
I mean, it is a good idea to make sure women know their options, but man, what a depressing, punitive way to go about it. Like traffic school for your lady bits. How awful.
Oh man, I’m sorry you had to go through that. At the same time, your gun group therapy literally made me laugh loud enough at my desk to draw attention.
Yeah, it was really weird- it was so weird I wasn’t even creeped out until after he was gone and I had a second to realize just how fucked up it was.
In some places there are. In California depending on the circumstances it can be considered harassment. I know this because a friend of mine had a guy arrested and convicted for taking attempted upskirts of her on an escalator in a mall. They just showed her legs, her bits were covered by her skirt,so it still fell…
I don’t know about walking down the street, but I had a middle age-ish guy who was standing next to the bus seat I was sitting in take a picture of my cleavage here in San Francisco. He didn’t even bother to turn the sound off on his camera. I just looked at him and said, “really, bro??” pretty loudly. He said that he…
Or at least while working up to a push up planks give you the core work. That’s where I am- it’s taking me a really long time to be able to do a real, perfect push up, I’m not going to wait until then to do core stuff.
Maybe for a while there will be people operating like this, but really just means that restaurants will shift over to how every other working environment works. When you work at a departments store you don’t get tipped and while you are expected to help the customer to the best of your ability there does come a point…