and now I know what I’m making tonight.
and now I know what I’m making tonight.
The main reason I hate Waze is because if I end up stuck behind one more idiot who thinks getting points for reporting a minuscule pothole is more important that actually, oh, paying attention to the road and traffic and not weaving into my car or idling at a green light I will scream and someone will have to report a…
That’s part of the problem .I’ve never in my life had a situation where the only thing I knew about my doctor is his Medical school. Your university is also never the only thing on a resume. If companies really want to fix this problem that is the first step.
yuuup, it can be scary as shit. Especially if they are up in a tree in a canyon. The sound bounces all over the place and you can’t tell where it’s coming from at all.
A friend of mine went to see it and she said Hannah Montana is actually a lot closer to the actual concept of Jem than the stupid movie she saw.
Apparently the director originally pitched something probably not based on the comic, but pretty close to the original cartoon and the studio shot it down.
I don’t worry about matching my outfit but I do make sure the colors don’t clash.
I have this too, it’s tricky because so many people just think you’re lazy no matter how many times you explain it’s a real thing.
I’ve had issues with it transferring. It’ll stay on me but it’ll also get everywhere else. I mean, a quick lip peck is fine, but if you go for the gusto he’s going to have lippy on his face. At least that’s my experience, other might have a different one or a tip to prevent that.
“Now they’re practical.”
For the girl with motion sickness: she might want to pop in to the doctor and get her eyes and ears checked. I’ve noticed I get motion sickness easier when my prescription starts to get too old because it throws my depth perception off ever so slightly. Also, ear issues can mess with this as well.
That happens in Romancing the Stone too. It is a perfect solution.
Sleeves must go! How can I possibly take care of business with you two hanging around! 4” heels... We’re good, you can stay.
Exactly, for it to be camp it would have to have been a Thing at some point in the plot. Like in Romancing the Stone where Michael Douglas very dramatically cuts the heels OFF Kathleen Turner’s shoes to make them “practical.”
If only they went above a 32... :(
I have a picture in my head of the axe murderer running up and... just sort of dropping his arms, heaving a big sigh and walking away head hung, kicking a rock in disappointment.
I use Jack Black and I love it. Burt’s Bees is OK for me, I don[’t have the same reaction you do, but Jack Black works way better. It’s a men’s skincare line and what I love about it is it soaks in really fast so you don’t feel all slimy and lip glossy (I think they do that to make the menz feel manly and not…
If a dude told me he 100% knew he fucked up and was going into therapy and getting help with substance abuse and contacting groups that specifically work with people on changing this kind of behavior I would absolutely believe him and support him in trying to better himself. If we don’t then there is really no point…
I was about to say- this is even a good idea for grown ups. There were a few times when I was abroad I had trouble trying to tell a taxi driver where I was going or asking for directions from a local. It would have been so much easier if I could have just shown them the card. Not sure why I never thought of that…
Vocab is pretty easy to learn but the grammar is pretty different. That’s where most people get hung up on German. It’s almost makes it tougher that the vocab is similar but the grammar so different because the familiar words make you want to slip into English sentence structure. I know from experience. :)