
I think it’s just because blonde and brunette come from French and for whatever reason whatever their word for redhead is didn’t come over as well. Maybe just because it’s rarer than the other two. Titan or Titan-haired generally refers to a redhead, but that’s rather poetic and comes from a Greek mythology reference.

Me too. But I was an English major and while I had reasoned it out already from being a bookworm all my life it had never been a talked about thing that a teacher would correct for until I got to college.

yup. :)

This is where I am. I’ve had Sprint since 2000. At this point they pretty mich give me anything I want. I leased my current phone on what is basically this new plan. I went home and did the math and it turns out it’s basically the same cost wise, maybe $10 difference. Every time I upgrade I end up turning in my old

This is my feeling in a lot of ways. I’ve worked with kids in many different capacities for a long time. While I totally agree “participation trophies” are unnecessary for older kids, for LITTLE kids? Like 9 and under or so? For those kids a lot of the time sticking it out through a whole season of a sport, going to

Yeah, I really don’t get the vitriol on this. If there is one thing that woman is consistently good at it’s cooking and recipes. I also really don’t see anything to mock in the title, none of the things of hers that I’ve made have ever been difficult, so her saying they’re easy I likely believe her.

Me too! It’s actually caused me to delete a good half of the “serious” comments I’ve written in the last few years.

I’ve been commenting since the second day Jezebel existed. On the old system I even had a star. Now I’m perpetually stuck in the grey wasteland.

I’ve been commenting since the second day Jezebel existed and I’m still in the greys. In the olden days I had a star... *sigh* I didn’t know how good things were.

Me too!

Unless there is a person with a disability who needs to use it, it’s fine to use the handicapped stall. It’s silly to think a perfectly good toilet is off limits for an arbitrary reason. If there is a person with a disability who needs to use it, they get it as soon as it’s free, even if there is a line.

I’ve always compared it this way: Is it a bad idea to walk through a neighborhood known for muggings loudly talking about the thousands of dollars in cash in your pocket? Yes, that is a stupid idea. If you are then mugged are you responsible for the mugging? No, and no one would ever think so. The mugger is

The reason I get tested every damn year no matter what is because I started working in theater in the early nineties and became close friends with several older gay men (like in their mid 20s-early 30s while I was 18 older) who were positive when I met them or tested positive while we were working together. It was an

That’s pretty damn cool.

Because if you can’t be in the room with the big boss at xyz conference you will get passed over for your next promotion. Or on site trainings are exactly that- ON-SITE. Or sales pitches go better when you can actually shake the customers’ hands. There are a thousand reasons. Teleconferences aren’t always sufficient.

When a friend of mine was a cheerleader for the 49ers (15 years ago, so it may be different now) they get a modeling fee (which was decent pay, not fabulous, but definitely enough to be worth it) for anything that uses their image but they don’t get residuals or profit share or anything. So they get paid, but they

Agreed. I completely understand why he is stepping tentatively here, however at the same time this is a pretty big deal.

Per California law ten years is a “successful marriage” it usually means that’s when the law just assumes a 50/50 split of most things. There are other things too, I don’t know all the details, but yeah, in California ten years matters.

I dunno, I automatically thought the opposite, they knew it wasn’t working but they waited until 10 years and one day so the law would call it a “successful marriage” so it would be processed as such out of respect for each other.

I have come to realize that it wouldn’t bother me nearly as much if “male” was used as a substitute for “man” even close to as often. You do hear it, but really not with any kind of regularity. That’s the big issue for me- it is obviously at least a little pejorative if the other party doesn’t use the same labeling