remain neutral in the culture war.
remain neutral in the culture war.
I also can’t help but wonder if the fact that most citizens in Switzerland have been either in the military or police means they also have way more gun training, and possibly more caution around them, than most civilian gun owners would usually receive. I have no idea if that’s actually true, but I do know from…
Absolutely, I totally agree with you.
Oh, I totally agree, and that’s what I was trying to convey.
I like your mom.
I don’t think that’s tacky, I think it’s awesome. I had a friend do that with me just a few weeks ago and not only was I not offended I was super touched that they went out of their way to add me on. Weddings are expensive and space is always limited, I think the vast majority of people really do get that and would…
See, I’m totally on board with this. I’m all for celebrating all the babies as long as the expectations gift-wise are modest. Plus I like to have reasons to buy tiny socks. They’re tiny socks!!! That are so very tiny!!
I’m kind of OK with those as long as you aren’t expecting me to buy you another stroller or anything else big ticket. If you’re cool with getting boxes of wipes and a few cute teddy bears and portrait outfits then it can be fun. You want another Cadillac priced carseat? Nah.
I agree for the most part. I did have one friend who had a super tiny wedding in her husband’s home town in another country because his mom was too sick to travel. We all knew this and were therefore happy to throw and attend a shower when we weren’t invited to the wedding; but this was a good friend with extenuating…
This is more a compote than a jam. That being said, it would still be delicious on toast.
I know a girl who ended up behind Lawrence Fishburn in line at a departments store. SHe couldn’t figure out why he looked so familiar, so she finally just asked “Hey, sorry, you look SO familiar, did we go to High School together?” He full on laughed, said “Um, no.” and walked out. It finally hit her who he was after…
Oh man, meet and greets. I’ve helped set up a bunch over the years and they rarly go as well for the people there as one would hope. Most of the time the band or whoever is dropped off straight from the airport before they even get to brush their teeth or change their clothes so they’re tired and jet lagged and really…
I was 17 when I started. There were quite a few of us, though most of us turned 18 by the end of the first semester. It’s just a birthday timing thing.
She played the Michelle Pfeiffer Dangerous Liaisons counterpart.
Plus, that’s how it should be- flip the rolls, if a dude called and said “my driver attacked me! I want his/her information!” and Uber just was all “Oh no! OK, here’s everything on him/ her!” doo do do. Then the rider starts stalking the driver or something worse. As much as this guy needs to be stopped the decent…
I might go with that if he hadn’t gotten into the back seat. That’s the only thing that sounds a bit dicey. A really good friend of mine has horror stories about drunk people passing out in his cab and trying to wake them up to get them out without getting punched himself. He says that’s actually the worst part of his…
It does, but you still get an email record of the order. I don’t know if it has the licence plate, but it definitely gives you enough info to identify who picked you up.
Uber has a lot of not great moves in their book, but on this one it sounds like they did the right thing. They should wait for a subpoena, they really shouldn’t be handing out driver info willy nilly without one, even to the cops. Hell, especially to the cops. This is on NYPD if it’s on anyone.
1. It’s cheaper
I’ve been sexually harassed multiple times by cab drivers. It’s usually just verbal but one time one tried to grab me. The cab company did NOTHING and I didn’t have enough identifying info to be able to get the police involved.