Same thing in SF. Trying to get anything to happen to a cab driver who did anything short of murder is an exercise in futility. Even if they did kill someone it would take months for anything to happen.
Same thing in SF. Trying to get anything to happen to a cab driver who did anything short of murder is an exercise in futility. Even if they did kill someone it would take months for anything to happen.
They are shady, but in my experiences dealing with cab companies over the last 15 years, they are JUST as shady if not more so.
The licence plate number and the driver’s name are on the confirmation sent to your phone (or at least it was until recently, I haven’t used it in a while).
I’ve been assaulted by a cab driver. I got the fuck out of there ASAP. Do you think I thought to write down the cab number as I ran? Hell no. I had no way to identify him to the company or the cops except from my call to dispatch, which was basically a bust. I’ve also been verbally harassed by several bonded cab…
I think it’s easy for some people to forget that at the end of the day being in the military is a job. A job that has the potential to be significantly more dangerous than others, sure, but a job just the same and just like every office has it’s fair share of obnoxious jerk faces and wannabe Machiavellis, the military…
I know a couple of vets from my generation and they all pretty muich say the same thing you do. They don’t bring it up unless it’s necessary because the reactions make them uncomfortable. Also the number of stories I’ve heard that start with “So, he was really a great guy, but not exactly the smartest...” could float…
I love you and everyone else who has replied to you. You all make me feel normal and not like a sloppy freak. Thank you from the bottom of my heart... and this huge pile of dishes.
My friends and I use “moo point” on the regular. You’re right- it’s totally in Joey’s delivery.
Or she was picking up a pair of shoes he dropped off for her at the cobbler so the bag still had his name on it. That was my first thought. I mean, maybe not shoes but picking up some kind of order place pre-breakup.
There are a few here int he Bay Area. It’s still sort of playing out to see how it goes long term, but for the most part it seems to work pretty well if the restaurant really figures it out and looks out for their people.
Maybe not, i know that’s becoming more and more uncommon. It probbaly just hasn’t gotten to my area yet
Thanks for clarifying that! I’ve dealt with a similar situation in CA and that’s how it ended up going here. Basically, in this kind of situation any employee can be default “security”when necessary and protect the business and the other employees and it’s viewed as self defense (more or less, that is obviously super…
Not necessarily. Depending on the events leading up to this, if the guy was being threatening enough it could fall under self-protection, which as an employee CAN extend to cover protecting the place of business under certain circumstances.
Possibly, but really it’s supposed to be proportional to what the waitstaff makes, regardless. So, if on average a waiter at a shmancy fancy place would end up making round about $20/hr after tips, and the restaurant decides to go tipless abut add a gratuity the waiters should be bumped up to round about $20/hr. If an…
My High School still has soda machines open all day every day. I just went back for a community event thing a few months ago.
Almost everyday I used to eat these things the caf made called Cheese Zombies. White bread rolls wrapped around velveeta, brushed with butter and baked. They were divine but really, pretty much negative nutrition in those things. I think my body actually sacrificed nutrients to get those things through my digestive…
We had that in our school. Granted this was back in the early 80s when safety was apparently a more theoretical construct, I think people might say this will cause an Ebola outbreak now. If you had anything in your lunch you didn’t want you put it on this one counter. Then, if you wanted to swap or, say a kid forgot…
I’ve heard it called the “suicide lane” in CA.
Dan Savage is also completely missing the point that in these situations while the tips are spread out the theory is also that the waiters’ hourly wage also gets increased to offset this distribution. Not that that always happens, but it is the way it’s supposed to go if you choose that model.
“I flat-out asked the district’s sub coordinator about this, as I didn’t like it, and she said that he “couldn’t be expected” to sub with Pre-K through grade 5 because “he’s a man.””