
Yeah, I was a substitute for a while and I love kids but there were times when the phone would ring and I’d be thinking “Please not under-10s, please not under-10s.” They can just be SO MUCH to handle sometimes. Granted, this is why I was a substitute and not a full-time teacher, but I get it. I mean, it’s a really

I like this one too. So good!

yeah, I try really hard to get things WITHOUT sunscreen, which is part of why I know how hard they are to find. My reason, though, is I’m really sensitive to certain chemicals used in some sunscreens so I’d rather just go with mine that I know works without giving me a rash and not mess with what might be in a product

Most foundations have pretty good sunscreens in them at this point. I kind of get what she’s saying- if I wear foundation I let my moisturizer absorb for at least 20 minutes first, if it’s still on top of my skin, like right after I rub it on, the foundation does feel heavier. You wouldn’t want to wait that long

yeah, I’ve heard good things about them... Except I can’t get their biggest size over my knees. They are seriously only for tiny people.

love, love, love Smoke Signals. In fact I think I will watch it right now. Hey, Victor!

I really don’t think you’re wrong. Which is sad, because I also believe he has some good work left in him if he actually tries. But I don’t know that he will because I think he got impatient when the two good movies he made didn’t take off... Which I think he’s forgetting all the shit Hanks did in the late 80s early

This! My Kingdom for pair of jeans that don’t slide down my hips and give me a saggy ass and muffin top halfway through the day!

I get it too. I agree it was a mistake, but I totally understand his instinct especially since this wouldn’t just come back around to him, his entire family could be affected by whatever is shown here. I understand maybe “wow, this could be really embarrassing for Grandma” or whatever going through his head. I think

One of my ancestors was the Confederate general who signed the Unconditional Surrender to Grant. Most families have someone that isn’t the best reflection of what they want to be in their history. It isn’t that big a deal, it doesn’t reflect on me or my views of the world at all. It just is. At the same time when he

I hear you. I’m 37 and the thought of having $15,000 a year to put away is comical. The 2% going into my company 401k took some significant budget rearranging but I did it to get the match.

Seeing as he went to prison for drug charges it’s very possible he was an addict too and just didn’t pay attention to these kinds of things during that part of his life.

I loved the movie, I thought it was extremely self aware. I can see how people might think otherwise because Francis herself isn’t super self aware until maybe 3/4 of the way through, but that is the point, she’s figuring things out. The movie itself is very aware of what’s happening. I saw so much of just how real

This is the part I don’t totally understand. Lilly Pulitzer isn’t THAT expensive, at the price point these people are trying to sell it for on eBay I can kick in another $20 and get the genuine article. Why would I bother paying that much for a Target version?

I got a blue skirt from the Jason Wu collection I just love. I also still have two super cute tank tops from the line Mila Jovovich used to have, I think it might have been their second collaboration. Those thing refuse to die and I love them for it.

OK, update! Yerba Buena Target didn’t have any women’s wear, though there was a rack with a scattered selection of the home and garden items plus I think two tote bags. There was also a 3/4 full rack of clothes in the girls’ department. So, while there isn’t much it isn’t ransacked like the other stores folks have

I”m curious too. I’m heading over to the Yerba Buena one during my lunch break for other stuff so I’ll report back.

Eeep... I just did an involuntary kegel reading that. I really hope you’re OK now.

I always had really small parties, so I don’t get the invite the whole class thing either. I would probably follow your lead on mainly going to the parties of kids I know the parents or know my kid is actually friends with. At the same time, if my kid came home with an invite from another kid that I knew was a bit of

Exactly. If in asking that question you find out for whatever reason your kid and that kid just. Do. Not. Get. Along. Well, OK then, that’s fine, we’ll not go. If it comes down to “they’re kinda weird” or “Everyone thinks they’re stupid” well, be kind and go. It won’t kill you and you probably will actually have a