
Exactly. Unless the kid is openly mean to you or you have a legit conflict, just buy them a toy truck or something and go. It’s a couple hours and, as you said, there will be cake.

I was friends with a kid in elementary school that in hind sight was probably on the spectrum (I don’t know for sure but knowing kids now who are and him being very similar makes me think so) and his parents took him and two friends, me and this other kid we hung out with, to an amusement park for one of his birthdays

Yes, but a 35 year old man marrying a 30 year old woman is national average, not famous actor mid life crisis.

Yes. This is I think what is actually the closest thing to actual leagues that really exist. We are all where we are in life and there are going to be elements of that that mean you aren’t attracted to someone based on where they are, it doesn’t mean you are Better or Worse or Higher or Lower (which is the main thing

Matt Damon married his wife in his mid-thirties, she was 30. Hardly a mid-life crisis thing there.

I had a running whale voiceover in my head “So, hello there little underwater guy, you’re new. Huh, you don’t do much do you? Well, you don’t look like food... So, what are you? Hmm, well, honestly little dude, you’re kinda boring and I’m getting hungry so, se ya around.”

Yeah, I have learned in the course of things that panic is an extremely powerful force and most of the time you don’t even recognize you’re feeling it. We think it’s hyperventilating, having a panic attack, etc. but more often than not it’s just your brain quietly shutting down and choosing not to deal with a

My only thing is this, this isn't a new relationship, this is his fiancee. I don't think he should come clean out of any sort of obligation- there isn't one, it is ultimately his business. I also don't think he has any obligation to talk about her father, and he probably shouldn't at this point. I do think, however,

I agree with you to an extent. I don't think he should halve to talk about the dad with her and ultimately his sexuality is his business. I do, however, think you should stop and think long and hard about why you want to marry a girl you cannot feel comfortable talking about your sexual history with, at least in the

Good for you. I’ve interviened in a physical situation that hadn’t escalated nearly as far and it is one of the scariest things I have ever done in my life. Since then I totally understand why people might not physically step in to stop something, it can be truly terrifying and mob mentality is REAL. I will never,

oh, also: Contouring has been around forever, it's essential in theater makeup and has existed for... wow, hundreds of years on some level, but it comes and goes trend-wise in regular people makeup. It's always there a little, though, blush is essentially a contour as well and that's always around, so is under eye

I'm super pale so if I'm going out at night and I know pictures will be taken I do a bit of contour to counteract the moon-face effect the LED flashes give me but during the day I don't bother. Few folks really need it under true natural light and if you get it even slightly wrong you just end up looking kinda dirty.

You do not need a contour kit for everyday work makeup. Just don't do it, especially if you have a baby face you'll just look kinda dirty. Just foundation and a nice, subtle blush will do you. I second Make Up Forever Matte Velvet, it's pretty good.

Assuming cost were not a factor I am still against the death penalty for several reasons.

Most of the salons I’ve been to break it down “Standard Haircut” and “Short Haircut/Clipper Cut” It makes sense and is actually charging for what the issue is, namely time booked and amount of work.

Pretty much every couple I know the dude is chomping at the bit for babies and the girl is “um... next year?... Maybe?...” A lot of it is about the girls knowing they will most likely have to put the breaks on pretty much everything but the dudes don’t have to worry about that, or choose not to even if they would

This is actually a little of what I was wondering. What if she wore a women’s dress pant suit rather than a men’s tux? Would that be OK? I mean, if the issue is her wearing MEN’S clothes... They make suits for women, so... Would they complain about that? It came from the ladies’ department at the store, so it should

yes. Where i live it’s always telling me to go down this major road that has no left turn allowed anywhere. So I end up having to make four rights at some point, and it is always a huge pain in the ass. I just ignore it until I get out of my neighborhood now because it just cannot figure that out.

Yes! Lyft has their drivers using Waze in SF and I’m CONSTANTLY having to tell drivers “I don’t care what it says, going through Golden Gate Park will NOT be faster, no matter what the traffic situation is, it will NOT be faster. Nor will going down Park Presidio. You can’t turn left off of it, so you have to make

They couldn’t apply because the law was created after he committed the act/was charged. You can’t charge someone retroactively.