Lulu Yates, Esq.

Not, yet. She’s my Moby Dick.


77 seems a little low? Might be incompatible with life.

If you were to tour my brain between the ages of 13 and 20 you would have heard nothing but the sound of an AC running.

i am getting you a shift key for christmas/winter celebration of your choosing

Or inserts.

Elizabeth Smart is a woman of unthinkable courage and strength. She has chosen the most noble path possible. Her activism for children who have been raped and sexually abused has no doubt saved countless lives and helped to begin the process of mending damaged souls. She is doing the single most important thing to end

This is a beautiful thing. Full stop.

Good for her! I hope this helps her healing and she just wallows in joy and bliss with her new baby and her husband. I will toast them all tonight!