
All I'm going to say is this. Supernatural is a show. It's not made for only men or only woman. Any body can watch it and get a kick out it. This is not like twilight where they pacifically made it for girls only in mind if anything it was the opposite. The original show runner and creator didn't make the show for

No it's doesn't make the quality of the show any different, all I was trying to say was the audience was about the same when it comes to which sex watch it. There also always going to be one thats little more then the other but it act like the show is exclusively for woman because a lot girls go to the cons is

The 10% are always the loudest in any fandom.

I've never been to one of the cons but I had some of these con girls get really ugly with me for no real reason. No it's wasn't my attitude. You should be available to talk in calm matter without some fan acting like a psycho. I seen it happen to so many other people too. Some guy in a comment section made a joke

Thats doesn't mean it good anymore. Still if your enjoying the new seasons then have fun.

That's not coming from a bias opinion at all. I had enough of them try to bully and harass me to know most of them are nuts. I always know there conventions girls because there profile picture is alway with one of the actors on the show like yours. It like those picture are like a trophy or something.

Yes a lot of the fans have been getting out of control, I also had problems with the fanbase as well. People making threats, bullying, fighting. They need to calm down, there making the rest of us look bad. Sometimes I'll just be reading comments about the show and see someone said they don't like a episode or have a

I know what you're talking about and it's so creepy. It's one thing to like or obsessed over made up characters but to do it with real people thats just gross. I don't care or want to know about the actors that play that my favorite characters. First of all there not them second no matter how much you think you know

Go for it but just to warn you the girls that go to these things are nuts. If you ever seen becky on supernatural she accurate recreation of what the cons girls are like. Like I said half the audience is men but there a reason none of them go to the conventions.

The actual audience is about 50% to 40% male why do people keep acting like it's a chick show.

It only has that reputation because of the supernatural conventions. The only people that go to them are girls. The actual audience is about 50% to 40% male. I uses to not watch the show because I thought it was bad drama but it's really good or it was anyway. I only got in to it because a guy was talking about and I