
I thought the cat was waving goodbye which does not bode well for Stone's kitty.

My guess is Futurama , but I don't really watch it.

I recognized goofy copy guy from The Americans where he plays Matthew, Stans's son.

Didn't the district attorney tell them to put a rush on the trial because of the Muslim killing?

Definitely heroin and they showed Freddy chasing the dragon with the aluminum foil.

But you don't act that mellow- so I've heard…

I got the weird feeling after seeing that picture he carried that he is a total nutcase and was the one who actually killed his niece.

I thought Phillip's disguise was closer to Pornstache on Orange is the New Black than Walter White.

I thought the exact same thing as soon as I saw that crock pot. Elizabeth must have been really frazzled because it seems she always manages to get dinner on the table on time.

They met before outside Gaad's house when it was snowing. Arkady told him about the diplomat Stan killed and how he wanted to be a doctor. Gaad was not sympathetic and said he should have been a doctor and brought up Amador's death. The conversation ended in a stalemate.

Page is hours away from a complete meltdown. How anyone thought burdening this emotional teenager with her parents secret life and thinking she would be happily complicit is shocking. The Center was obviously desperate and grasping at straws to think Page was anything like her mother. This will not end well.

Henry doesn't like the burnt edges of his Mom's macaroni? Dude- that's the best part!

What are the consequences for that pilot for freaking out and abandoning his mission? If Nina is facing the Gulag for note-smuggling, his future looks dim.

The previews show Gabriel announcing Pastor Tim and his wife will have an accident. Whether that happens remains to be seen but he knows about the phone call to Pastor Tim.

Isn't that the young guy Elizabeth was training last season?

Has Saul learned nothing about leaving his informants unattended?. Let's not forget poor Aileen Morgan from Season 2 who offed herself after borrowing Saul's reading glasses.
No wonder he looked so stricken when he saw what happened to Marwan.

The Elvis impersonator is actually imitating Conway Twitty.

He lost me with that fake Snickers endorsement. How transparent was that? I will be waiting for Rodney's impression.

Everytime I look at Gabriel I find it impossible to believe he lived with Whoopi Goldberg for 5 years.
What did everyone think of Lisa's creepy husband trying to shakedown Elizabeth? That cannot end well.

Jim Norton having the nerve to comment on a woman's weight says everything about how fat women are treated. The ugliest troll feels entitled to make nasty slurs about a woman's weight despite how hideous that may be.