
I live in Nebraska, 75% of our state has contacted Deb Fischer and told her to vote against DeVos (literally never seen this big of public outcry in our republican state). She released a statement saying she has faith in DeVos, literally pissing in the faces of all her constituents. These people don’t care.

In a way I blame McCain for ALL OF THIS.

Why the fuck does McCain even care about that? He’s eighty years old! He can’t possibly run again! I can’t believe how eager he is to set his entire record on fire, after he started to pull out of the whole Sarah Palin debacle.

And double-fuck Murkowski and Collins for announcing they’ll vote against her on the floor (where it won’t do any good) but voting yes to move her out of committee and end debate (where it would’ve). So principled!

Just remember, the dumbing down of America started with Reagan and his administration’s attacks on the education system. Thirty-plus years later, it’s paying off bigly. 🙁

I know some teachers who took a early retirement rather than continue on.

Mismanage and under fund it and then scream about how bad it is and that it ‘just doesn’t work’.

I don’t think everyone gets what an epic disaster this is. I work in education and EVERYONE is freaking out. Even charter schools and voucher schools. This woman honest to God has no idea what she’s doing and her ideas ideas are outdated even among the voucher crowd.

Yeah, where are Graham and McCain? I thought they were so outspoken against Trump?

Time to step the fuck up Lindsey Graham.

White boys who went to Liberty needs jobs too. Heaven knows the robots are coming for their online trolling positions soon.

The Swedes feel the same way. Trump wanting to do away with affordable healthcare is just mind boggling to Swedes. Add in the hatred of gay people and the rise of the religious right in this country who are told to love one another and they are just stunned.

Why on EARTH do you have to apologize?!?! We have our very own.

I can’t believe some of those employees said that its not true. Thats insane, it is not the vocal minority at all. I worked at GS for about three years, and have been close friends with many of the SM’s and ASM’s in our district for longer than that, and all of those things def happen and it was known and, well, sort

Jason, you’re right on with this. We have always been told with GameStop that if you aren’t going to perform as expected, there’s a line of younger, cheaper help waiting to get hired.

I’ve seen the pressure over the years come across in different ways from associates there too. From the Used Car Sales man pressure, down to belittling and name calling as a pressuring tactic. And that’s across 5 different states and about 15 different Gamestops.

That’s all anecdotal, sure, but I still believe it’s a

“Scared for our jobs” was the constant, ubiquitous norm at GameStop. I will not only vouch for it, but will go so far as to say most of these apologists are either company plants or young employees who don’t get around much. Kids in high school or college students looking for extra spending money don’t feel the same

As yet another Assistant Manager at Gamestop, all of the stories and this entire thing is 100% true and anyone saying anything different is either delusional or brainwashed. In my district my DM told all the managers to effectively lie to customers. He told us to tack on game protection without letting the customer

This reminds me very much of reports about what happened at Wells Fargo. In both cases management put quotas in place that incentives employees to take unethical actions in order to meet them. When the entire thing comes to light management pretend to be shocked by what their employees did. Make no mistake this

Another thing that most people don’t realize is that in the past (like, less than 5 years ago past) Managers hours came from corporate, and weren’t a part of the store’s given pool of hours, which allowed them to hire people to take care of the store while they worked in the back taking care of all the shipment and