
It’s the Walmart model. To boot, I’ve been told that Walmart actually puts into its leases that new companies cannot use its abandoned stores for a certain length of time when they leave a town, saddling towns with lost tax earnings, infrastructure that can’t be used, and white-elephant buildings that become magnets

I’m exhausted by wondering how Kellyanne manages to manage amazingly expensive clothes look like they came from Goodwill. As Dolly Parton would say, it seems to cost a lot of dough to look that cheap!

Like a golf museum in Palm Beach, repleting with photos of the Cheeto grabbing the hands of world leaders and jerking their arms toward him.

And soldiers who don’t get captured like that loser John McCain.

Yeah, only losers lose a Paradise!

Genius. Needs to be on SNL. Would watch. For that matter, needs to be a Michael Moore film in theaters next.

When will people just start asking him, every time he references this stupid ban, why he isn’t studying up on nuclear treaties we need to renew instead? HOW MUCH F-ING ENERGY IS GOING INTO THIS BAN instead of grown-up business? It’s laughable that he can’t shake hands. It’s beyond frightening that he’s so

He actually pats the hand of the head of state like he did to Melania when they were coming off the plane.

I think drugs need to factor in somehow and am surprised no one has asked about it so far.

Amen. We need to start calling them what they are, radical fascists. The radical fascists who want to end American democracy and replace it with a corporate state aligned with a religion aren’t conservatives in any way. Conserving would mean caring about the environment. Conserving would mean fiscal responsibility and

Yes, her outfit probably cost more than most teachers make in a month.

He reminds me of the English guy I dated with an identical background, complete with academic honors. Brainy, fun on brainy topics, earnest, yes; but unsure of himself, yes, because they are surrounded by luminaries their whole lives, both their more blue-blooded ‘betters’ and their intellectual role models. This

Planning my next t-shirt: Grizzlies Against DeVos. What she doesn’t know about schools pales in comparison to what she doesn’t know about bears.

You’re confusing cause and effect. She’s the only woman because there are so few women among his nominees, and she is uniquely not in the least qualified.

Oh, and let’s not forget the textbook profits from the wingnut publishers, produced just for the special so-called Christian charter schools.

Let’s not forget the profit in the replacement schools, especially in the consultant contracts for their curriculum, their IT systems, their security patrols (DeVos’ brother headed Blackwater, which would no doubt love to consult on guns for grizzlies programs). Education is a market, as they see it, and it’s in the

It’s not just that - if you follow the money, you see that schoolkids are considered by these cretins an “untapped” market. Just as these billionaires wanted to get in on the for-profit prison market, they want to replace public-funded schools with for-profits and charter schools they control, to whom they can sell

White boys who went to Liberty needs jobs too. Heaven knows the robots are coming for their online trolling positions soon.

There is definitely a zombie/undead quality to Kellyanne, like she’s come out of something Stephen King trashed that was somehow reborn to Karl Rove’s mother under a bridge somewhere. The whole group seems like they’ve been in a Boys from Brazil closet and been dusted off, wound up, and sent out to see if they can

Liberty University is always going to need Media Relations staff. That’s his golden parachute right there.