
Something else we can do. For those for whom it is feasible, apply to and join the Border Patrol, the police force, and so on. As with the Dallas police shootings, we need to be the change - join the force, make it more diverse, make the bullies in blue less comfortable.

You can be active on media, social and otherwise, spreading truth. You can put up a website about how to donate to organizations that are helping. You can put your own dollars towards supporting those organizations, as you’re able. You can march. You can create memorable art - bumper stickers, posters, Instagram

I was hoping to see Mo Amer having a take on all of this. For those that may not recall, he is a Muslim comic that was seated next to Eric Trump on a flight, when asked about the ban Eric noted it was never going to happen and that it was all for show.

I never want to hear a single person use the “they should be following the law” argument again because, clearly, “illegals” aren’t the only ones being targeted.

As Rachel Maddow pointed out yesterday, NONE of the people involved in any of the major terrorist attacks on the US since 9/11 (INCLUDING 9/11) came from any of the countries we are now not accepting people from.

THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am amazed at how the press has refrained from placing the appropriate emphasis on this. Trump does not have the wherewithal to implement this by his own volition. He’s too busy watching TV and Tweeting. This is Banyon’s wet dream come true. When are people going to focus on the fact that he is

Recently I’ve been remembering the words of Edward R. Murrow (about the Red Scare, but equally applicable here):

You can volunteer. You can donate $ if you’ve got it, but I think committing your time is a better idea. You are one of us, you belong here and you should use your skills to help us all. Don’t let ignorance and hate stop you. Tune out the ugly.

NPR actually has an article up that points out that none of the countries of origin of radicalized Islamic terrorists who have actually committed terrorist atrocities in America are actually on the list.

This is all Bannon’s doing. Trump just signs whatever is put in front of him.

These people scream about the ‘illegals’ but give a huge middle finger to people who have gone through the proper channels and follow our laws. This is such a disgusting, scummy thing to do.

Not to mention all or most of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia - which isn’t even on the fucking list!!

We need to hear about this every time it happens and we need to see the faces of the people being detained. It’s not some movie stereotype, it’s families, students, hard working people who are proud to be here.

And that goddamn piece of shit Trump signed this order on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

This is appalling. I hope there are a lot of lawyers out there willing to volunteer to help these people. (And a bunch going over the possibilities for impeaching a president with a fine toothed comb.)

Of course you can call your senator/congressman etc. they don’t ask for ID before picking up the phone.

I have to laugh to keep from crying.

Man, even people that help the US government, and get green cards for doing so, can’t catch a break solely because they are Muslim? WTF.

“Members of the media were not permitted to enter the terminal where the detainees were being held, and Port Authority police and New York State troopers gathered to prevent reporters and protesters from gaining access.”