
It’s a funny fake dick, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t call his character a rapist.

Garnering just over 1.2 million votes, Jill Stein is arguably slightly less responsible for giving us Donald Trump

all that song did was make me want to read naya’s book

I should wear hats to the grocery more often.

Well, for better or worse she hasnt been convicted of anything and as of now she is the ONLY adult in the room.

In time that humans have set, which isn’t real

I’m obviously aware of that

some people here like amy schumer. some do not. sometimes we have nice posts about her because the ppl who like her are writing those posts. sometimes we critique her because a lot of what she does sucks. it’s not fucking “bff to hatersville” but thanks for reducing a group of various and individual adult professional

It’s Wisconsin, letting people down since 2010.

and one column simply marked, ‘kill.’

I’m beyond excited and legit teared up while watching the preview.

And the one about Atheists never being able to resist telling everyone what they don't believe in...