
All I hear is a warp core breach.

can’t wait to see this

wait until he learns that the Germans tore down a Russian-built wall

I doubt it. Most likely the stock photography that best matched the steering wheel they wanted to use. And since pretty close to 0 graphic designers (for web/print) are also “car guys*,” I doubt they even understood someone would pick it out.

So, some reporter was looking at porn during work hours, got caught, and spun it into “research” for an “article”.......

Now playing

Check out the band Justice if you haven’t yet.

This has a much squarer front end.

I love that GTA concept but I can’t help seeing a bit of BMW 2002 in it.

Gather all the concepts there, leaving that modern Alfa Romeo GTV, take them to the nearest dumpster, and work on your sky hook with them into it. Then, take that Alfa concept, pack up that kid and all of his belongings, fly him to Italy, roundhouse kick the doors at the Alfa Romeo headquarters and present them with

Next we’ll have to shift our own gears.

My main takeaway is that even Keke Rosberg used a cut off plastic bottle for a funnel.

I have to say, having watched the Grand Tour yesterday and now this, I like this a lot better. The boys are really fun to watch when they are goofing around, but their reviews were starting get a bit stale. LeBlanc has a nice delivery and his opinions aren’t just the same superlatives repeated over and over again. I

Why not a giant ass motorcycle?

Remember when we didn’t think anyone could be crazier than Ross Perot?


Congratz ohjvo

2011 and 2013 also don’t count.