
me too! i’ve been considering not watching as they premiere, and just binge watching in a couple weeks.

So, for the longest time I’ve maintained that however likely the R+L=J theory is, it’s shot straight to hell due to one fact: Eddard Stark is a man of complete honor, and he is no liar. If Jon Snow wasn’t his son, he never would’ve made up the story. They’ve clearly proven tonight that Eddard Stark has some kinks in

I agree. Gilly’s son should be much older (she had him in season 3), if we’re basing it on how fast Bran, Rickon, and Tommen have grown up. Hell, even Myrcella looked like a teenager, and when we first met her she was a young girl.

Is his wife really a whore though? Where was Margeary a whore?