
Having worked security at events like this in college, I can almost guarantee that’s what happened. You reach a point where you no longer care about what the next drunk person is saying. Rarely are they ever serious.

I think it’s that some of the movies are starting to feel like homework? The only two I haven’t seen are Hulk and Thor 2, and there was some stuff going on in Endgame where I thought, “Oh shit, I didn’t see Thor 2. Really? That’s what your asking of me? I only saw Thor 1 because there was a Rifftrax.”

it’s because all their movies are generic as fuck, no matter what people might tell you with “but what about taika? gunn?..” they all play out the same, with the same beats, quips and muted color palette and the same CG clusterfuck in the third act where the whole movie falls apart.

The clones emperors are an invention of the show so the books wouldn’t give any indication of how anything plays out.

I’ll likely watch it anyway, but the trailers struck me as appealing to the crowds who seemed to take Ghostbusters really seriously during the lead up to the last film.

Contrary to this review and you, I found this episode a much needed pick me up from last week’s dour tablesetting. Of course a TV show has to zoom in and focus on a small set of characters. That’s a given.

I think the problem is that a lot of the time it comes off as puffed-up fanfiction. I like your reviews but a lot of the time you aren’t engaging with the story that the show is telling, you’re saying “this is what I wish the show was doing and it’s not doing that and so I’m going to grade it based on the failure to

Myles, I wish you could get out of your own head. You’re so painfully overthinking this show. And you know it. It’s a journey you have to take for yourself.  

I think that line is so subtle but hilarious 

No, this is roughly a couple generations after Aegon the Conqueror took control of The Seven Kingdoms.

I think the OP is listing reasons why they lost interest in the universe entirely rather than this show specifically. And I personally do find it difficult to get into a prequel series when I know the whole saga ends with some dude randomly declaring that kingdoms run on stories and therefore the weird crow kid should

Ditto on Claire Foy.  In hindsight, I think it was a big mistake to change the whole cast every couple of seasons.  I’d have much rather had the same actors, with adjustments to makeup as they go along.  

My money’s on WoT.

The plot is the Dance of the Dragons, a civil war between a son and a daughter for the Iron Throne after their father the king dies. This is the most interesting bit from the aforementioned Fire and Blood book. Having looked over the casting, I can’t say I’m crazy excited about this adaptation. But of course I’ll

Am I supposed to know who the fuck this is?


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The internet

I’ve seen Army of Shadows, too.

I honestly can’t fathom this response.

You’re drastically underestimating how good at fucking over creatives Hollywood studio accounting departments are. Some examples of movies that have (according to their studios) never turned a net profit: Return of the Jedi, Forrest Gump, Men in Black, Spider-Man, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix... the list