
All those recent AAA shooters are not dumb enough for me. I dragged my ass through the first levels of Halo Infinite, got to that space-island, demolished some random points on the map, still looking for any sort of excitement. I guess I should read a tutorial to figure out what weapon does what, which one is good,

“Day After Tomorrow”, the newest one from Phoebe Bridgers, is a nice one. It’s only subtly christmasy (a choir hums “Holy Night” melody in the background), but that’s for the better.

I guess a spin-off about young handsome Penguin justifies having heavily disguised Colin Farrell in the movie. Otherwise, what’s the point? He’s totally unrecognisable with that makeup, seems to be casted out-of-character, and the pay check is probably inflated adequately to his star power.

See, like Travis Scott, Pearl Jam played for half an hour before stopping the show at Roskilde (where 9 people died). It’s hard to make that call from the stage. Sometimes it’s might be the wrong call (might add to the panic). I recall they (Pearl Jam) said they just couldn’t see how bad the situation is: from the

I can easily imagine why someone could ignore audience members “complaining” about crowd being rough. Basically, you get that at every general attendance kind of show. And the younger and less experienced the crowd is the more complaining you get.

Him being different was also foreshadowed in the previous episode, when they couldn’t stop him from crying when Dusk was marching towards his own disintegration.
My bet is on the android woman (Dermezel?) being behind sabotage.

I kinda feel that this review is projecting author’s expectations more than it evaluates the show itself. Sure, there are glimpses of hackery, like the conflict with Lewis, but most of the choices are fine - for the start of the show at least. For example: focusing on single heroes, not on the entire community. Geeez,

All of them are good but neither of them is the car chase from The Bourne Supremacy.

None of the non Cena people are funny here

I was wondering if she’s going to continue with age-based titles for her albums. Rounding 33 to 30... That came sooner than expected.

Uhm, about half of the story was about or related to them: the wall, the Night Watch, Hodor, “Winter’s coming”, “You know nothing”, the alliances, the best battle (that one in the village behind the wall), and so on.

Hopefully it will be more than just The Crown with dragons, but I don’t have high hopes.
It won’t have white winter zombies, right? And will end with one of the blondes going nuts, right? I don’t know how they’ll manage to put any sort of suspense there. A 200-years-later sequel would be more exciting.

The Rhythm Section (2020)

Ooops, this is rather cringe inducing.
Hopefully the movie won’t be a “young adult «Gladiator» in space”, but that’s what this trailer promises.

I saw Xbox One X on Amazon recently. It was a refurbished one, for $199. It’s (was) a steal! It’s still a very competent console: you can’t play what? one Series X|S game on it? (Medium); and that’s a totally killer price for a 4K Blu-Ray player.

I guess neither Sony nor Microsoft wanted to be 2nd on the market with the next-gen console, and I bet there are regrets in both camps. Either of them could just put SSD in last-gen console, wait two years, and come back with a beefed up hardware that technically more advanced, is available to buy, and has games.

The F1 team that Audi/Porsche would supply their engines to is obvious, really: it’s Red Bull Racing. 

Yeah. At first all of these bootlegs appeared as “albums” on Spotify. Thankfully, the fixed that and moved them to “Compilations”. Search is working alright too (album recordings appear on top of the results).

Most of them (at least the ones from years 2000 and 2003) were available for years on iTunes/Apple Music. And definitely all of them had been available to buy as CSs/MP3s on their site. They just dumped all of that stuff to Spotify et al. It’s OK, it makes things more convenient for the fans. But it’s not like they

It was more like Avengers 3 part 2. If I recall correctly Marvel even announced it as such (Infinity War – Part 2 or something like that).