
Another clueless idiot Theres a lot of these in America you really just need to shut up how can you say such bullshit how don’t deserve to die they ruin their childhoods you’ve just made the most stupid fucking comment ever seen how you may not know how do I’ll blah blah but I’m pretty sure I’d love to see my dad

You’ve obviously no idea how it feel to be a victim of something such as this then have you?? It’s very well and easy for the ones that have bee lucky enough To never experience it. You’ve no f***ing idea what it’s like. From the age of 6-12 it was happening to me, I didn’t have a Fucking childhood, and the bastards

You stupid bitch. Why do clueless retards like you write stuff like this, people that have no Fucking idea what it’s like to be molested, to be taken advantage of?! It happened to me when I was 6 right up to when I was 12! So yeah I’m glad the child molesting pedo cunt is dead and hope everyone wakes up and realise