
Turns out Gen X feminists can suffer from internalized misogyny and exhibit hypocrisy too. She’s like a lot of white feminists. If you’re from the same class, race and socioeconomic status as her then she likes you and will defend you. If not, tough luck.

Um, he meant your face.

Actually, I hate to say it but you’re absolutely right. In retrospect the goth / punk / counterculture crowds I ran with in the 90's ALWAYS had shitty toxic guys in them (usually with anger issues) but were always protected by the community because ‘they had a good heart.’ Weirdly they were often DJs.

Something has really switched with her in recent years ... the extreme face-changing with plastic surgery, the weird comments.  She’s off. 

Of all the comedians I’d expect to offer such a resolute defense of Panama Jackoff, she’s pretty near the bottom. At worst you expect she would go for the noncommittalhe’s my friend”defense. 

Whipping his dick out was bad enough, but he also actively tried to ruin the careers of those women and anyone who tried to report on it as well. People don’t talk about that enough. Like so much fucking hand-wringing over a guy’s “ruined reputation” and literally nothing about the reps of all the women he crushed

“And I really can’t see the Garofalo of the early 90s - the alt comic feminist - allowing a comic of that generation to skate so easily if they’d done something like that to her.”

She also dragged out the “he’s my friend” and “question the source”, despite the fact questioning the source(s) is an idiotic statement because he admitted he did what everyone said he did.

Look, I get standing up for a friend. But compare this to what Marc Maron said about C.K., also longtime friends. He had asked C.K. privately about the (at the time) rumors and Louis said they weren’t true. When C.K. admitted to the behavior, Maron said on the podcast that Louis had straight up lied to him and fuck

She’s really using the “He has daughters!” excuse? And tossing in “I’ve known him forever!” and “You weren’t there!”

Tekashi69 is a huge rapper right now with a large young fanbase even WITH the sexual misconduct allegations reported on and many young people think Lil Tay is funny. A lot of the outlets that cover these two don’t criticize them or explain at all to their fanbases why it might be messed up to support them. Clearly,

I click on things like this hoping for more insightful content then just “this is terrible and we should stop looking at it” and I don’t know why I haven’t learned my lesson yet...

For me it just looks like his face and neck blobs grew a fine layer of pubes.

Based off literary_funk’s comment I’m tempted to say this is normal Crazy Celebrity behavior but I fully believe that Lindsay is only semi-lucid at any given moment thanks to substances.

Lindsay did not listen to anything that girl said. She made up her own story for her in her head and just went with it. People not listening when I’m being clear is a huge pet peeve of mine. That conversation was so uncomfortable to watch. Does Lindsay ever interact with real people because that is not how human conve

A white guy with a fetish for young asian women.

I didn’t hold a party when I became invisible to men, but I should have.

All of the props to Wende for being so open about her decision-making.

Three sheets to the wind means drunk...

10,000 words is like 20 pages of type. He did say, however, that it takes an average of 10,000 hours to master something.