
I’m convinced that republicans do this on purpose to be more relateable to their demographic. Paul Ryan made it abundantly clear to me. There is no earthly reason that man should be wearing suit pants with an ass baggy enough to hit the backs of his knees.

Marry me?

WHY IS THIS SUCH A THING!! I really started noticing it more and more in the past few years. Not a day goes by without some guy acting like he owns 80% of the sidewalk/subway seat/narrow doorway that we’re both occupying.

My favorite tip jar (from Schmackary’s cookies in Brooklyn, NY)

As an eye care professional, I’m most offended that he didnt shell out the extra $70 for plano lenses instead of rockin’ the demos with the logo still on them -_-

It's because his tongue took up so much space against the back of his way-too-plump and always juicy lips

Ugh that gives me shivers. I'm sorry that happened

I’d like every single piece of shit who claimed this guy was “saving babies” to look into the eyes of these people’s children and tell them their parents died for a good cause.

It’s so stressful alternating between being helpless and terrfied to a literal beast who disembowels men. SIGH!

Have you seen her instagram? It’s literally just her hawking teeth whitening products and “weight loss” teas, whateverthefuck that is

TEN HOURS?! I can’t imagine being the one who found her omg nopenopenopenope

My roommate has a great picture of herself from the year she decided she was going out dressed as a picnic table

Oh I already have as have twenty other people! He’s been blowing up this past week, he totally deserves it

Just to add, I went to college with Zach and he is the SWEETEST dude ever on top of being funny and a great actor. Give him all your love and support!

How the hell did they make this??


Talk to your Doctor and eye care professionals about getting a progressive lens in your glasses. It’s great for people like us who are over-corrected at close and intermediate range and will make it so you never have to take off your glasses to read!

I work in optical and something a lot of people don’t realize is that Lasik only corrects for myopia. Presbyopia is something that happens to everyone after a certain age (to varying degrees) regardless of how their distance vision is.

Charles plopped down in this big ole dirty puddle on a very muggy day

Interesting! I've never heard of that, I'll have to ask my doctor about it