Luke Willman

I’d call Jerry two-faced, but let’s be honest, he must be on this seventh or eighth face by now.

Cuban has nothing to worry about, the robots don’t want to write recaps to Mavs games either.

It’s a rule that’s only about the money and an organization that makes as much money as the NFL shouldn’t be cheaping out on players families.

They just don’t want this guy to be the only one associating football with plaque.

Translation: “We’ve used this dumb policy for so long, we will now try to peddle it as a hoary tradition.”

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

This is the one time Microsoft would love people calling the tablets iPads.

Finally a pro scout recognizes Tebow as a quarterback.

Yeah, but at least he set a Major League record! His teams have lost their last 9 games when they’ve had a chance to clinch.

Burning seems harsh. Can’t we first just toss him in a lake and see if he floats?

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

Sexual assault of a minor involving a Leak. It is R-Kelly all over again.

If only there was some kind of illegal radio station that ECU could employ...

Maybe not as bad as places like Chicago, Florida and Boston. I think the humidity causes as much problems as the temperature.