
It was a comment about HBO shows in general, not GOT at this very moment.

Yeah, they don't have viewership numbers, like 10.72 million for Sunday's episode of GOT which set a record for the series.

Only The Onion should write a "think-piece" about Grease 2.

I live in Seattle and saw The Cure in Boise last year (realize it's quite south of you but your comment reminded me of it). A few songs in the following exchange occurred between a local and me:

I see lots of negative comments about Rey and BB-8 from a quick glance so I just wanted to say for the record that I thought the two of them had great chemistry in the movie and I enjoyed them thoroughly. Would have been fine if it had been a couple hours of just the two of them.

I think three men enter but are never fully integrated.

What is the threshold for something being considered a "hit" from a US perspective?

It amazes me that "Coming Up Close" wasn't a hit. It sure was from my perspective as a college student at the time.

You'd think you could bribe a surgeon and move to the front of the list with the World Series ring alone.

I always watched Entourage for the articles.

I was once was listening to the radio and a Smokey Robinson song came on. My dad walked by and asked me to turn it down.

For those concerned about her well-being, I've been hugging Kesha for the majority of time since this incident took place.

I don't remember too much about the relationship between Sanders supporters and BLM, but they were deservedly hostile to them here in Seattle when Sanders supporters waited for weeks/months (and then hours on the day of) to hear Bernie speak in person and then he was completely prevented from getting to the podium.

What's she down to now? One?

THE Bruce Dickinson?!

It was. And unsurprisingly, he ghosted me after that.

Sitting in the front row for "Strange Days" with Ralph Fiennes.

Could they hire Chris Rock?

I agree with your assessment of how Norm likely would have done compared to Walken.
