
at the tale end

I bet you he’s considered not being short...

Besides turning a bunch of millennials towards the alt right/white supremacists/men’s rights a-holes? And gerrymandering? And suppressing votes in blue states? And enlisting other dictator-led nations to help? Nope, no plan at all.

Actually this isn’t true. Catholic Latinos are conservative in regard to marriage and family, but liberal on a lot of other ways, especially economically. Help the poor, the rich can’t get to heaven, etc. This balances out to being pretty moderate overall.

Just 2 more and he’ll match the CEO of American Airlines!

Okay, so get your graphics person on the case. Weekly Gase updates this year need a slow evolution, a la Red Gruden. Obvs something with the eyes.

There are about 3 houses in my immediate vicinity on the far NW side of the city that sport Packers paraphernalia 7-8 months every year—4 or 5 flags each, plus a load of other kitschy lawn and house decorations. Gaudy and over the top, each one.

But is it really a performance if he’s just playing himself?

I know it’s a joke, but it really isn’t that far from reality:

And that’s how they became the highest earning Christian music artist ever.

From Kushnerville:

Now seems like an ideal time to repeat over and over again that slumlord Kushner owns a bunch of Baltimore lower income housing that has multiple code violations.

As a manager, Nick presented an interesting challenge:

Be fair. They might only have one smug asshole fool client. Maybe their other clients are just murderers or something.

The Hot Dog has transcended the sandwich labeling. Society has deemed it so.

“I thought we were having burrito wraps tonight?”

On a bun it’s called a hot dog sandwich.

The House knows the Senate won’t impeach. The reasons for the House to do it anyway are twofold: to get everyone in the House and Senate on the record for whether they support the president’s crimes, both for history’s sake, and for all of their future political opponents to use against them. Also to have the

Fake news, it didn’t help me at all

Any chance they could make it deflect bullets? Like maybe right back towards where they came from?