This is essentially like pulling out when she is 37 weeks pregnant. It’s a tad too late.
Black president
That video is terrible and sad, but I’m living for the memes and jokes:
I don’t pretend to know the whole story here, but what a bitch.
I can’t wait to not play No Limits
If you’re about to be executed, stall for as long as humanly possible, because you never know when a dragon is going to show up.
I think they did read their history books since it says “part 2"
I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.
There’s no dismissing. And this isn’t pure fan wank. There’s a good story here, and the...wait, I wrote this stuff. You must have read it. Carry on.
The most unrealistic thing which gives it away right from the start, is the idea of anyone that obsessed with Slender Man having a girl friend for that long.
This, and the people who use proper military jargon in Battlefield games, are a fucking treasure. I really hope to play with someone like this someday.
It’s nice seeing someone who has been on the bottom and on the top so much finally learn to accept their versatility. #NoSexLabels