Luke Stanek

We've made a huge mistake.

Since spending the better part of my high school years watching Futurama reruns (and later in college, futurama new episodes), I can't say "duh" any longer. Thanks to Amy, I've learned to say "guh" or "spluh" or any other variation of "uh" with a consonant sound preceding it.

And boobs. Don't forget the boobs.

As a former historical archive employee… I had to repeatedly remind myself that the painting still exists, and is entirely uneaten to date.

Her writing is clever enough to make me like country. At least her country. She has so many great rhyming one-liners in her songs. Merry Go Round is a real heartbreaker, too. Been a while since I've heard a good country song that breaks down the country tropes without trying to be a rock-pop-country frankenstein.

George likes his Kung Pow!

The niche he appeals to is "people who struggle to explain why they watch the show to people who ask them 'why the hell do you watch this show?' even though it's incredibly obvious to anyone who watches the show why they watch it."

"Use the ladies' room!"

But quirky quirky teens like to hear quirky quirky turns of phrase! Quirk.

Dustin Hoffman is a world-famous super-model? I learn something new every day.

It's hard for me to find a romantic comedy TV series that I actually don't want to stop watching. But I found it! Bring on season 2!

You know what we do with the rude.

Then make her do three things. Hollywood Game Night can't be that difficult to host.

Can he please make Party Down happen again? Adam Scott isn't tied up with Parks and Rec anymore, nor Jane Lynch with that thing about the singing.

They were the first of the sitcoms I watch to do a single-take episode. I was so upset when Community's Introduction to Knots ended up NOT being a single-take (like Rope, to which it is an homage). But they didn't have the time to film it that way, apparently.

As far as I know, no networks actively help a showrunner establish a production proposal for moving the show to a new distributor. NBC was right ratings-wise to cancel Hannibal, but at least they're trying to help.

In White Grandmother's News: Will James Wolk Ever Catch A Break? He Seems Like Such A Nice Young Man. So Handsome, And Oh, That Smile, Just Want To Give His Cheek A Nice Pinch.

She isn't… already an animatronic version of herself? You're telling me she's still in there?

So his 30 minute comedy program didn't cover every news story?

God forbid we actually use our work computers for work.