Or listened to the Seer. "The Bear will marry a princess."
Or listened to the Seer. "The Bear will marry a princess."
They say the Bear will marry a princess…
Billy Crystal *and* Josh Gad? it's like they custom designed a show specifically to repel everyone!
It might not be dead for films (there's still a large market for film DVDs) but is anyone really buying the most recent seasons (what is it, 24, 25?) of The Simpsons on DVD?
Stop trying to make Josh Gad happen. It's NOT going to happen.
Post-Partum was my thought. Didn't even consider the PTSD, but that's likely in play as well.
I reckon it'll be at least another season before I tire of Jebediah.
Never upset to see Jebediah Atkinson.
Jon Hamm at least has the ability to be funny in recurring roles on various Tina Fey projects. Unfortunately, you can only play so many characters on each Tina Fey sitcom.
Bob Odenkirk, it's YOUR turn to prevent John Hamm from his Outstanding Lead Actor Emmy by a show on the same network. It's tradition.
Such is brotherly love. Younger brothers are never allowed to be more successful, let alone AS successful, as their older brothers. It is written.
Old habits die hard. Back before the Transcontinental Rail Road it was hard for them to tour past the Mississippi.
That makes sense.
NO apologies to Doris Kearns Goodwin!
Amy Schumer is abso-fucking-lutely hilarious. But I don't think she would be very funny as a Faux-News host 4 days a week. Louis CK needs to just keep churning out standup specials and beautiful, self-absorbed seasons of Louie.
Most websites don't differentiate between ad-watched views and adblocked views. Only Hulu does as far as I know, and gives you a really passive aggressive message for the full commercial break about it.
The Stockholm Syndrome is setting in.
Thank goodness Ted Cruz is running for President (is a sentence I don't think even Ted Cruz supporters would ever utter), if only so we get a few more Bobby Moynighan impersonations. I was quite impressed, considering this current cast has very few good political impressionists.
Key word "complete." It's quite absurd now… (but I still watch it).
But what will you do when Colbert is on The Late Show?! (Assuming he isn't ruined by CBS, that is.)