Luke Stanek

And then they can follow THAT up with a third series: FUTURE AVATAR. IN. SPACE.

I didn't have any graphics on it when I went fullscreen.

I can't even get Hulu or Netflix past 480 with my internet, but somehow I got this episode in HD. It was glorious, and made me almost forgive Nick for leaking those four episodes and forcing an early airdate.

I watched the first couple episodes of Review and wasn't incredibly impressed, but I'm glad I stuck it out until the third. The sad part is, I don't think Review can get any better than that, because that episode was simply perfect.

Do you- do you- do you- do you- do you- do you- do- do- do- do you- do you- do you really think that?

I hope Rivers Cuomo The Grey got that business he was hoping for. He may have seemed a bit rude but I think he was just misunderstood.

And so continues Nathan's saga: searching for a friend. Every episode that includes Nathan's desperate search for friendship is an immediate letter grade boost. And the coffee shop owner's response was perfect. A+.

If you travel for business and are used to long flights of boredom, I could see the value. But even when I do bring books on a trip, I'm always out exploring. Never actually find time to read aside from the plane (for which one book is plenty).

The exterminator segment had me laughing more than any other segment this season. The "Chinese Dragon Rentals" sign on the van had me in stitches.

I thought that's where he was going with it, but he instead went for the "Employee of the Month" award. Probably for the best, because the ongoing saga of business owners refusing to hang out with Nathan after filming is my favorite part of the show.

I've always been a fan of Jack White's music DESPITE Jack White. I only actually know of one person in real life who likes Jack White for Jack White besides Jack White.

In Book 2 there were faint glimmers of a beautiful ship between Bolin and Asami.

I love the political side of Book 1, especially the anti-bending revolutionaries. I could totally buy that people would be pissed off with a council of benders running the city, and a police force of benders in control.

I remember. Plenty of people seem to have forgotten, though.

Does anyone know if those 7 episodes are going to be a standard 22-25 minutes like previous seasons, or will they be more of the stretched out, story-arc form ones like season 4?

More than halfway into 2014, Broad City is still my favorite comedy of the year, old and new alike. Nathan For You might replace it if the next few episodes remain top-notch.

Wasn't that an episode of that thing Julia Louis-Dreyfus did between Seinfeld and Veep?

We can put a lock on the comments now. We found it. Shut it down. folks.

Max is the best character on television who happens to be gay, if only for the "trying to figure out what 'type' I am" montage.

I'm glad this didn't happen. That way I don't have to ever put a CBS sitcom on my television.