Luke Stanek

This comment is as useless as a one-inch cock.

It's not called VPOTUS because no one uses the term VPOTUS. If they went with the most popular shorthand, it'd be POTUS.

Jonah's portrait is the greatest thing that's ever been on television in the history of time.

I was laughing so hard MY nose was bleeding.

So… is Selina going to be President for a year and then take the VP nod again?

So it's a semi-literate Ukrainian child who only fooled a third of the test subjects.

That's a fair assumption. I could definitely see that if they explicitly gave her very little to work from. The other clones have backstories and elements familiar to us and the actors, but one introduced SO LATE can't really build a personality.

Helena will be a much-needed palate cleanser from whatever the hell was glued onto Tatiana's face.

The episode before this one was just so perfect, to fall so far (especially with that goatee) really snaps at my spine.

This has been me, Perd Hapley, of Ya Heard? With Perd, reporting on the fire, which killed ten people.

I'm honestly expecting her dragons to get her in the end. She's so concerned with freeing the oppressed and breaking chains she'll fail to chain her dragons properly. The EIGHT (and possibly lost) book in the series: How Not To Train Your Dragon.

There's always Jon Snow, who rides off into the sunset on the back of Drogon with Danaerys, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons, Oral Recipient of He Who Knows At Least One Thing, Bane of the Whitewalkers. Oh and the little Warg brother will be controlling Drogon with his epic warg powers.

The stakes would seem higher to me if we didn't already know the history. But I'd be OK with them changing history in a believable way to make it more gripping.

I don't know how much mileage they can get out of the premise, honestly, but I'll certainly watch to find out. If only because I miss the Pie Maker so much and he hasn't made a Hannibal cameo yet.

When will it air? Depends on what fails!

Coming this fall to NBC: Wheel Chair Psychologist.

That would provide an excellent excuse to utilize David Bowie. Although utilizing David Bowie is a just as excellent excuse to utilize David Bowie.

Jack is dead. Abigail probably can't survive a second knife to the throat. Will is wheelchair professor, and Alana is wheelchair apology girl.

I'd only watch Girls if Tatiana Maslany replaced every single female lead. But Gillian can keep her recurring role.

Once you get introduced to the soccer mom, you can't NOT enjoy Orphan Black.