Did Gilly just accidentally discover that Jon is tge rightful king of Westeros?
Did Gilly just accidentally discover that Jon is tge rightful king of Westeros?
As far as I'm concerned, the entire Disney Afternoon takes place in an interconnected multiverse. Except for Quack Pack. Because fuck that show.
I really enjoyed The Time Machine Did It. I feel like Swatzwelder's humor is best in small doses, but they're short books, so it works out.
Just to prove I'm not nuts:
There's a way of making fries where they puff up like little balloons (basically you slice them wide and flat and cook them just so). I've never been able to manage it, but I've seen it done.
Maybe fill a syringe with 'chup and inject them?
"It continues to astound me that the Frymans can successfully run a business selling only fries"
I think the official explanation is that comics with apes on the cover saw a slight uptick in sales, so DC management were like "APES! APES EVERYWHERE!" for about a decade.
I'll bet all of my money that next month Mole Man talks up how much of a "nice guy" he is.
Is this going to be a regular coverage show? I desperately need to talk about Burrito!
Quick, someone greenlight a Settlers of Catan movie!
I would be disappointed if any of these aren't just farts in a bag.
@hujsh Korra and Asami were heavily implied to be a couple by the end of the last season. The creators confirmed it a few days later.
This turned into a rule 34 thread so gradually I never even noticed it.
Ryyyyyyyyyye on the sammich!
Sunny D : Orange juice :: Budweiser : Beer
Can I get a FUCK YES!?