Heat Vision

Still love that SNES controller. I think it's my fave after the 360 controller.

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"I know it, but I don't think I should say it."

So much tighter...

Saw this at PAX East last year... looks like fun! Controls remind me of "Asteroids," except a lot tighter.

Ah, okay. Still, if her argument is "no number is special because numbers are infinite," then it kind of seems like she's sucking the fun out of the whole exercise for no good reason. Isn't Pi day more about acknowledging Pi's discovery and its contribution to mathematics, rather than celebrating it as some magical

Did she miss the part where Pi, expressed as a numerical value, is an infinite string of numbers that never shows a pattern? That's the special part. The other examples she gives are of numbers which demonstrate patterns. What she ends up ranting about is a very roundabout and confusing version of Zeno's dichotomy

I used to think the "not yet" was unwarranted, because at the time, I hadn't experienced any bugs. But then I got to a REALLY stubborn QTE glitch in the abortion clinic... no spoilers, but some of you may have had the same problem. It nearly killed the game for me, but I was lucky to find a quick work-around online.

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I got as far as the title, and this was all I could think of:

It's especially great if you picture him saying it in that half-drunk Brule voice.

They call themselves the Dinguses of the Galaxy...

Yeah, horse & cart travel, sir! Try it out! It also has boats, which you can use to travel between Dawnstar, Windhelm, and Solitude. I think it was added with the Dawnguard DLC, but if you're playing on PC, they may have just thrown it in as a free patch to the vanilla game... Steam auto-updates, and I bought

I really dug it when it came out, but I can see not being able to get into it after playing Oblivion. Oblivion sacrificed the chaotic (and sometimes wonderful) variety of weapons (throwing stars!), spells (levitation! I still miss it), clothing and armor in favor of streamlined and, frankly, better gameplay.

As fantasy worlds go, I thought Morrowind did a truly great job. Very original setting and culture; it felt like an alien world. Oblivion and Skyrim were much more derivative high fantasy settings. Which is not to say that they weren't also awesome, because I really like Oblivion and Skyrim. But Morrowind was unique.

But that's the point of the zombie trope... it's not the zombies themselves that's the danger, it's the remaining people that are a danger to each other.

Agreed. Both are good games, but that's what puts Fallout 3 above NV for me; I just thought the DC wastelands environment was more interesting. Although I LOVED NV's Zion DLC.


Not quite universally; I like Fallout 3 better.

So far as I know, the mod team is putting in every character and quest line from Morrowind. It's one of the reasons this mod is taking so long. They really are remaking the whole game from the ground up. I think for the current state of the game, they have the entire island built, and now they're working on adding

Finally the proper setting to enjoy "Proteus."