Heat Vision

Argh, I'm not sure I'm explaining it like I mean to. But just to clarify my thoughts, and to better answer your question...

I won't speak to the original Bioshock stuff, but I will give you my take on the Infinite post-credits scene.

Done and done. Slightly creepy, but mostly comforting.

Great discussion, guys. Chris, I respectfully disagree about the post-credits ending scene; I don't think it's the afterlife. I think Booker is actually in his office/apartment, and Anna is in the crib, and here's why.

Interesting take. I like it. Frankly, I've been wishing more of my friends would play it (I also wish more of my friends were gamers) so I can talk about it with them.

Since you're taking so much flak for your opinion, I'm gonna post my thoughts alongside your initial post, rather than scrolling WAY the heck down to the bottom. And it's fitting I do so, because I want to say I see your point and I agree with it. What no one else seems to acknowledge is that they are judging you for

I work on it every day, believe me. If moments of harsh self-reflection were currency, I'd be very wealthy indeed. Today's growing-up lesson may be this:

Sigh. Yes, that's me... ever the victim, because people disagree with me sometimes on the Internet. Speaking of being victimized, do you treat every Internet discussion you're in as a personal attack? I thought we were having a civil disagreement of opinion here, but I guess I was wrong. I'll try my best to "just grow

I think there's a difference between criticism and being contrarian for the sake of it. His problems with the game were not my problems. I liked the combat; I thought it was very sandbox-y and replayable. I understand his opinion is just that... an opinion, but I really feel like it's an overblown complaint. It's not

True dat. I know it, and yet I still fall for it.

Yep. I don't get it. It's as if some people are searching for petty things to gripe about just because everyone else is praising the game.

Now playing

It's a Bioshock game. You're basically asking, "why is this game a Bioshock game?" Are you going to watch the Evil Dead remake and be disappointed that they left in a crapload of gore? Bioshock games are creepy and gory. You mentioned Batman... imagine saying "yeah, the Nolan Batman movies are awesome, and I want

THIS EXACTLY. I'm so sick of the "Bioshock Infinite would be better if it were a different kind of game entirely" argument. It's like saying "this game would be better if it weren't a video game. If it were, I dunno, maybe a book or something." Jeez. If these people don't want to play a Bioshock game, then I think

I see what you're saying, and I've been mulling it over, because I still feel that the writers did not intend for the act to come off as a betrayal. She's sacrificing herself as well, after all. Since Booker already made it clear he would do whatever it took to keep her from being hurt, I do believe he would have done

Combat is chaotic? How DARE they?

For that matter, if your kid recognizes the Hagia Sophia at all, you probably have nothing to worry about.

Did you watch through the credits, and see the little bit afterwards? By drowning you during the baptism, Elizabeth ends her own existence as well as yours. But it closes the loop caused by the Lutece's meddling. After the credits, you see the scene again from Booker's office, except there's no Lutece demanding Anna.

I live in this tiny town!! It makes it very easy to get from one place to another.

As terrifying as Songbird was at certain points throughout the game, I definitely choked up when he died. Did anyone happen to see the dead Big Daddy in the background, with the crying Little Sister? I didn't notice it until I watched it a second time.

Who's a pretty bird?