All kidding aside, I live in an area with some excellent hiking not too far away, and I am in fact jonesing for spring so I can hit the trails. The WORST is when I'm out on some trail, really enjoying it, and I find myself instinctively comparing the spot I'm in to some spot in Skyrim. Damn you, Skyrim! Get out of my…
Yeah, but you can't take Lydia with you in real life. Unless you know a Lydia, and she's down for some hiking. Even then, good luck getting her to carry all your stuff.
Or Portland, Maine. They're freakin' everywhere! Or at least in every Portland.
Okay... 5 pictures down the list... the guy on the bottom left. Korean Christopher Walken?
My only gaming machine is my PC, and I've found myself turning more and more to my wireless XBox controller. I used to swear by mouse & keyboard, but the more I get used to the controller, the more I like it. You can't beat a mouse for precision aiming, but the analog joysticks for movement and strafing feel much…
All great suggestions, and I love to hear when people make the jump to PC gaming. So worth it! I have one bit of advice, though... XBox controllers work really well with a Windows OS, but if you're getting a wireless one, just be mindful that you'll likely have to buy the wireless receiver separately. And those might…
It wasn't two dudes from Andromeda, was it?
And don't get me started on those damn red barrels. They NEVER explode like they should. It's so embarrassing.
I think this might be the finest comment thread I've ever been a part of.
I keep punching bricks around town, in the hope that one of them will have coins in it. Or, if I'm really lucky, an extra life.
Couldn't paste the image! Here's a link to it, if anyone wants to reminisce.
I respectfully disagree. The greatest video game villain of all time is Exploding Hitler from Bionic Commando.
I know! It sure does suck to snag Borderlands 2 on Steam for half price and then play it with all the pretty graphics options cranked way up.
"This divides COD players into two camps: The people who want to create penis swastikas and the people who do not want to see them."
And he set the cube and the tape, sans paper, up against the wall for the other shots. It is some pretty clever editing, though.
I might be overthinking the intent of Scott (and Lindelof, who I hate), but I feel like the bungling scientists are bungling for a reason. Weyland hired that whole crew to be fodder for David's experiments. Weyland and David were already WAY more versed with the alien tech than any of the rest of the crew. Why send…
Dude... YOU'RE on Kotaku.
I like how Santa is still ready to joust.