@GusF: No, don't be. It is not entirely clear. We may still uncover some alarming sincerity in this case. Stay tuned.
@GusF: No, don't be. It is not entirely clear. We may still uncover some alarming sincerity in this case. Stay tuned.
@GusF: I think maybe he was being funny?
@Vivien Smith-Smythe-Smith: Ha. A true classic for sure.
@Bombos: Yes, but under the big umbrella sites like this encompass alternate histories of single timelines all the time. Not that I give a shit about the distinctions personally.
@MrGOH: While the originals weren't soulless, they were already well over-produced big time.
@Nate C.: Everyone should go watch this now. I am so enamored with it. Can't believe on horrendous the ratings were. Like 70,000 people or something.
@fullsoul: Because people need things to talk about.
@nickmanderson: I must have missed all the Republican symbolism going on in there. Your instinctual defensiveness is sort of telling though.
@Klebert L. Hall: No, you don't get it. People who get sick should have planned ahead better by working the boot straps harder and/or being born in a more amicable situation. Your bad dudes. Sorry about the death and illness thing. Maybe strive more next life?
Did you fuck him? In the future?
@whiskerbrisket: nope.
@Meredith Woerner: I've seen at least two vaginas, doesn't that count for something?
@CoreyHaim8myDog: As has pretty much every great contemporary writer. They publish sci fi from time to time as well. The last I remember was a great one by Jonathan Lethem.
@PaulWasPierced: well done.
@SimuLord: Got me with this one.
@Delonte, Interrupted: You mean did I just link to something on a web site that basically exists to link to other things on an overarching system that is itself just a collection of things linking to other things?
@Delonte, Interrupted: See also bowling.
Aww nuts. I went to Holy Cross, and I am a completely different kind of douche than this. No fair.
@HalleBerryBerryGood2Me: Well, sir, I find the players on YOUR favorite team to be worthy of scorn.
@Frrost: How was this not obvious?