@Old Brian and New Brian: I'd like someone to point out exactly where these funny comments are being posted, because I can't remember seeing too many of them.
@MarkKelsosMigraine: Haha, well met.
@wardsac: You may find this shocking, but as a Celtics fan, I feel as if they officials are calling more against my team! WEIRD.
@Ron Dayne's Strict Diet: Oh man, if you love the show it's got so much more legs. I love it, and I hate douchey sports stadium behavior. The fact that my man Charlie Day has had such an impact on anything just makes me proud.
@Dave J.: Is there a single person in the world, including this guy when he looks in the mirror, that doesn't think this is a disgusting mess of a human-like man-thing?
@alexanderjames: yes and no.
@Ben's Zombie Dog: I don't know wtf happened here either. I meant to reply to UnionOil below.
@MarkKelsosMigraine: As long as it's not about the NHL I'll take anything.
@SynicVance2.0: Come on man, you're disparaging a pretty sizable contingent of guys for whom Simpsons quotes are the height of comedy.
@Ben's Zombie Dog: False equivalency.
@MattinglysSideburns: well played.
@JimmyChitwood: He treats objects like women?
@landshark818: Agreed. That shit is embarrassing.
@TenCentBeer: At least you didn't call it "South by." oof
@Steve U: made me laugh
If I was one of those infantile sports babies always talking about "class" in regards to pro sports teams, this might be a good opportunity to bring up the relative morality of the Steelers' players lately (and always). Since I'm not that type of turd, I'll just say GO PATS!
@Sonar Jose: +1!
@X-tacle: Wow.
@RickMybars: Look, I'm as into biting off and savoring my own hardened flesh in my mouth as the next guy, but saving it for later? That's just weird.