Luke O'Neil

@theblazeuk: Very true. Until the insane murderer continues to break free and murder time and time again. I think you lose your shot at pity around time number 3 or so.

@FrankenPC: Have you read this anthology? Plenty of original takes in here, plus some good old fashioned style ones as well.

@VergessenHeld: I know that. I think it's lame after a certain point. I'm all for principles, but after the first dozen times the Joker escapes and murders however many people, you have to draw up a new plan.

This is why Batman's refusal to kill the Joker has always struck me as ridiculous.

@telecomic was a race car driver: Well, when you put it that way it sounds a lot more reasonable than the usual PINK HAT BANDWAGON!!!11 talk you hear online. Then again, my bad for expecting reasoned discourse on the internet.

There are very few people in the business who will do that sort of thing. You were lucky to have had him as a mentor.

@willwriteforfood: "some arbitrary standard one critic came up with to fill column inches?"

@Fuzzy Dunlop: Ha, I came out of thie being impressed too. Holy shit he looked fast there. It's funny how that sort of speed looks normal on the football field, but when you translate it to baseball you really get to see it's beauty.

@Desi_Relaford: Rick Reilly isn't impressed with your euphemism style.

@boomer4d: The relative sexual merits of all women must be picked over on the internet but ugly fat men.

I know it's funny to laugh about people who were successful at something at one time and then are not as much as they used to be, but:

@ReelMissing: I've thought about Walter thousands of times in my life, but for some reason this aspect of it never occurred to me. I guess it isn't that funny in real life. Damn.

@hugesunglasses: Haha. I wish I could say I knew how that was. I really do. I didn't let my father down until I was in my twenties though. Kind of worse that way innit?

@DirkToberFest: Yes, it's obviously less noisy on the golf course, but ..oh never mind, I don't know why I'm trying to defend this idea.