Luke MacDonald

Did you say 헐?

Me too... I didn't think about it at first, and said "Cool!" then said "But why did he make "big" instead of "Fire".

Yeah, I mean in Germany and Russia, they had those enemies that everyone united to stop... Wait...

Thing is, you can't be sure he wouldn't do something like this anyway. You actually said that yourself. So because he does something he likes and gets paid, he's a sellout. Starving artists are SO passe. And they should be. MOST classical artists were commissioned.

Hardly Universal. There is actually quite the debate over it, and the D-pad is a huge part of that, but MANY people (me included) prefer the symmetrical nature of the DualShock. I'm not saying the 360 controller is terrible. In fact, they feel rather similar in my hands. Moreso than, say, the old PS1 controller (pre

I'm surprised they picked Metal Gear as number one. I mean, I agree with them. That's not the issue. It's just so chic (or it was, anyhow) to knock cut scenes, and MGS4 was the prime example of them (though they did everything they should have this time— letting you pause AND skip— except let you save in the middle of

There needs to be both, really... Some to follow the trends, some to go after the mainline. Eventually those Angry birds fans are just going to stop buying games and go back to Solitaire.

Al Alexon is a troll. Don't respond to him. Don't know why he's still here, he's posted absurd things for a while. It's so absurd, I wondered if Sony could have been trying to reverse troll and make their opponents look stupid (no, I don't actually believe that, but it would be funny)

I still don't want a dual screen. I like all of my information in the same area. I'd have a HUD in my Car's windshield if I had the money (and a car... I'm in Korea ATM) rather than have to look at the dashboard.

Dood, I clearly said he was so stupid I could imagine it as a reverse troll. The "Nice Move, Sony" was sarcasm.

I'm no mac fan. I generally hate Apple, but everyone is going after him for his apple stuff? Seriously? He just directly defended controllers and indirectly defended buttons. That makes his gaming argument 1000 times better than most of the hardcore Apple fans, so I really don't mind that his room is full of mac and

Sorry, I meant "Japan is still calling it Folkssoul"

This is one of those posts so hilariously idiotic, I have to wonder if it's some sort of reverse Troll by Sony trying to make anti-Vita people look like idiots so people will think more about Vita's good points (as in, it's not one-purpose as you've said... Hell, even the 3ds isn't one purpose)

Do you have proof we're getting the subsistence version of MGS3? I know we're getting substance for 2, but I'm not sure about MGS3. If this does have MG1 and MG2, this is an instabuy. That's 5 fully packed games, and I missed out on Subsistence because I bought MGS3 at launch.

Remember "Folkssoul"?

Storywise, the Pain, the Fury, and the End didn't do much for MGS3. Sorrow, Volgin, and the Boss did, of course.

I may not need to buy a special phone package if I get this. Just the cheapest one. I'll use skype when I have Wifi, and keep my phone for incoming calls and emergencies when I don't have wifi. And for all of you saying it won't fit in your pocket, I fit my PSP in my pocket all the time.

Except those damned screws. Man, unscrewing that HDD was so freaking hard.

My question exactly.

Maybe he's dying. As in, he's in the process of dying, will be dead soon, but she's tired of seeing it.