Glad my parents watched ABC back then... Or was it CBS? It wasn't NBC, in any case. And things have, indeed, come a long way since Pacman. Especially since the 2600 version.
Glad my parents watched ABC back then... Or was it CBS? It wasn't NBC, in any case. And things have, indeed, come a long way since Pacman. Especially since the 2600 version.
I yearn for the day when maturity is rated by the amount of responsibility one takes and not what hobbies they have or their tastes in entertainment.
I tried that. Now my magikarp can't even do splash attack...
Exactly. You shouldn't have to pay for basic online play. It's all extra stuff that's on PSN+.
You think "I think the Vita should do the opposite of what you say" (AKA succeed and sell well) is more trollish than the OP "I hope the Vitas all catch fire so people stop picking on the 3DS"?
To answer your "question" about America... "America" is what 80% of the world calls the US. The Continent is not "America" It is "North America" or "South America".
I just hope they make the web browser on the Vita and eventual PSFour or whatever... you know, not suck. The PSP browser sucked. The PS3 browser was only mildly better. If they don't use a proprietary browser on Vita, I'll be happy. Even Opera (like on Wii) would be better. I'm holding out hope for Firefox or Chrome.
Buttons look like toys?
You demand proof from them, but offer none of your own. They actually supplied something, you supplied nothing. You have had nothing to offer of value to this discussion.
Yes. So true. Also so true is what Shinta said.
Glad I'm already married. Don't have to put up with that kind of BS. Seriously, those people need to get a life. While it is a bit strange to play a portable at a bar, it would be equally strange to play a game on a smart phone at a bar. The fact that people see them as inherently different proves to me how absurd…
So what would the final rating be? B? If it's B, I'll laugh. There are many movies that get away with more rating bending in the US than that.
I count Netflix, Redbox, and Blockbuster's Netflix counter service as "rentals"
There's a strong rental industry in the US, too. Yet people buy movies on a regular basis, once those movies drop under 20 bucks. You know, a reasonable and not exploitative price.
Oh, come on. It's exploiting the most obsessed of nerds without considering the profits they're losing not selling to the general public. It's just plain bad business. If they had some large scale piracy to shake them up, and they tried to compete with it rather than sending the shame wagon after them, maybe things…
Wow. It may actually stand a chance against Vita now, but I still don't want one... Except they have GBA, GB, and GBC games for download... Throw in a working SGB and let us assign colors to GB games (or even offer color packs with the purchases for free) and that may push me over the edge. Why do none of the GB…
This is not Wikipedia. This is not an academic paper. This is not published in a Journal. This is an entertainment blog. They don't NEED citations for every comment. It's like requiring citations for conversations, which actually some people do want. Those people are douches.
I could have sworn I saw Mojibakeru on some store site, so I'm sure you can buy either them, or a real product that's basically the same thing.
My wife was the first one to fart in our bed.