Luke MacDonald

Yes... I have. Now, with that knowledge, reread my statement. It still applies.

Show me a link to something (not anon) saying they collected IPs from visitors to Geohot's site. His PRIVATE Youtube page is different. That means those are people who have close contact with him.

OK, I'm going back to I gave the new format another chance... They blew it.

I don't care what petty "wrong" you think SOny's done in stopping a hacker or removing linux... They are a large company with many employees in a country that's had a LOT of crap happen to it lately (terrible recall in its largest company (Toyota), earthquake, tsunami, nuclear reactor, massive loss of life and

Sony is # 9 in Japan, but that's only if you include non-electronics companies that include government run businesses. It's a bit different in Japan than in the US, though, and to go after a top 10 company in Japan, when its #1 already had lots of issues.

I've so far only ever found 1 use for a dual screen, and that's in video editing. Otherwise, I want everything in the same place. I can't do split focus

I'm watching on a work computer, which is ancient (like, 512 megs of ram, Pentium 4 or something) so all vids have framerate issues.

Can we not call dungeon crawlers "RPGs"? Sorry, I always get excited when I hear about a new RPG on PSP, and then... It's a dungeon crawler.

I think the "3d" was a remark about the 3ds. Because Bamboo Panda seemed like a fanboy talking down the enemy. In reality, he's just a so-called "gaming purist" and there's no console or portable for them anymore.

Everytime I hear "Vanillaware" i think of something at the start of a console that's one step up from shovelware. You know, really basic, uncreative games that are only meant to make it look like you have more options at launch, like Genji on PS3.

then did you see Squimpleton's response? My inner linguistics student needs to be voiced.

slaw1 said they look like m2's, which Sony already made. So it's not necessarily a new memory card. SO people are freaking out for no real reason, except they want SD... WHich is a competitor of Sony's, on a portable system which can't easily have multiple memory card slots. So, yeah, quit whining. If we find out this

@the_joe_kirby001: Not quite the same. Most people don't fit traditional controls AROUND the iPad, do they? And the steering wheels don't compare, either. Gotta compare apples to apples.

@Tapewormz: Nintendo is really following Apple's MO. When something interesting is done (say, smartphones or MP3 players or motion control or touch screens) they pick the perfect time to release it when people are ready to be interested in it, then when someone who may have even done some of those things before does

@clank-o-tron: You internet win (in Japanese / Korean word order)

remember when it showed them scanning a skateboard, and then the skateboard showed up on the game for the character to use?

The rest of the pics are of him with the WiiU stuff...

@desnargue: I've dropped my PS3 about 3 times, once from a table to a concrete floor, and it's still kicking it.

@Kyoji Shirakani: More powerful than 3ds, same price, multitouch, more buttons...