Luke MacDonald

Ok... Wi-fi only version for me... I hate AT&T... Hell, I'd only go for it if it were sprint right now because Verizon is dropping their unlimited data plans.

Ah, well, "controls" to me suggested controlling the game, not the menu. For instance, if they said "motion controls" I'd think it was like Mario Kart Wii or Motorstorm, not that you could use the move to access things on the menu.

except for us in Korea.

@RickaMayCry: That was actually something you could FORCE by twisting the PSP really quickly (and unnaturally), but I've had a 1000 for years and I've never had a disc eject on me.

I'm a huge Sony fan but... Voice... controlled... racing...

Is that borg looking thing one of the planets? It would be cool to see one of the planets itself attack you, I guess. Throw something new into the formula

@kameoosama: Don't count on it. I'm 80% sure they'd just use the PS2 version.

Will MGS2 and 3 be substance and subsistence? I want MG1 and MG2 and I missed subsistence when it came around the first time.

That is an odd thing to leave out, but I bet Sony signed them to an indefinite exclusivity deal when it first hit PSP because they wanted some popular software for the device.

@twinturbo2: Well, it's impossible for it to be on a single disc on 360, but they could do a compilation release on multiple discs

"ready to hack... the PS3"

"The only regions where it won't be 100% back will be Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea."

@CandlejackDANZA: you do realize people work for multimillion dollar companies. Sony is a large portion of the Japanese workforce. After they lost 12,000 people and around 100 billion dollars in damage. And the nuclear reactor.

@HobbitGamer: Thanks, I was gonna say something about that.

I think the tone of it was more "isn't everyone supporting Kotaku being hypocritical when Gawker was hacked and its users info was leaked" not "why didn't you post the flash game about Gawker"

That's fine if you've beaten it. Scene selection is great when you've experienced the whole game. I would never have touched Heavy Rain a second time if I couldn't just go back and shock people with the Lizard (though I suppose the crazy surgeon scene would work pretty well, too)

Yes. I think it may have to do with the age of the gamer. If their first games were Metal Gear Solid, and they've had voice acting from the beginning, then maybe they won't like it, but if they played hours and hours of oldschool RPGs, and even just adventure games, they'd have an emotional connection to reading the