Luke MacDonald

Anyone using the term "haters" instantly becomes impossible for me to have an intelligent conversation with. It presupposes anyone who has a problem with something is somehow invalid in their opinions and beliefs. It's an annoying word that skews my opinion of everything else you have to say. Maybe the same could be

Ok, maybe it would have been better to say that they're not as closely related to raccoons as to dogs. I mean, if you wanna get anal about it, ALL animals are related. I may have had a seemingly arbitrary point to say "related" but I figured being in different families was enough.

Huh... That was remarkably... polite of Microsoft.

I guess they only owe something to the Plus subscribers. Which I'm not.

This concept already existed in the US before Tsundere became popular in Japan, by the way. It wasn't meant to be a fetish thing, just a novelty restaurant where you get abused by the service. It's called "Dick's" (although there are a number of restaurants with that name, and I can't remember where exactly this

@Sugoi: That's exactly the point. I could never put up with the tsun to get to the dere. Also, there are people who act tsun just to people they hate, but only dere to the ones they like.

@Y-bot: HOLY CRAP... It is Ethan in a Space marine costume, isn't it?

Wow... Just imagine... next gen, even UNSKILLED programmers can get that to run on consoles.

Fun fact: Real Tanuki are actually Canines, and are not related to racoons despite the way they look.

@HoFT013: Nintendo Loyalists are a lot like Apple Loyalists. It's funny to see them pit against each other, though, and Google is getting a similar sort of crowd behind it, so Apple has 2 new sets of hardcore fanboys converging on their "better for Art" fans.

@crd22: It took me a minute to figure out why you made any sort of connection between this new system and a jiggly fighting game, specifically.

The price is exactly why it would hurt multiplayer. Granted, it didn't stop Rock Band, but I don't see the same thing being reproduced with a multipurpose controller.

Mobile phone games are NOT banned in Korea. I live here now, and kids are constantly playing them. Especially in Hagwons where they're supposed to be learning English.

@DigitalWolf: I think this just means that PC방 have to kick the kids out, not that Kids aren't allowed to play at home. No cop is going to monitor that.

Yeah. These kids need to get off Starcraft and onto some baseball or dinosaur boxing on their Galaxy S phone, which the government can't stop yet.

@Narishma: No way. The controller by itself is going to be expensive.

So an evolution of the VMU? That's pretty sweet, but it means controllers will be pretty freaking expensive and really hurts multiplayer, or that's what I'd guess anyhow. Maybe I'm wrong.

@superhuffy: They're not saying it's doing well, they're saying they're not halting production for North America. Huge difference.

@scrapking: wasn't the PS2's ram faster than the PS3s, though? That was part of the problem with BC, I thought.