Luke MacDonald

@Pyrofrost: Except that, unless there's another place proving me wront, I'm pretty sure the 360 is locked out of cross platform. Cross Platform is on all the other systems, but NOT on 360.

Filmmakers make westerners? I suppose, when a westerner who is also a filmmaker falls in love...

@Shiryu: Half-Life 2 taught me it's fun to throw hammers at people's faces while they're talking and that they won't care, anyhow.

@drizzt_rocks: darn it... you beat me to it. Ah, well...

The most creative stuff on PS1 and PS2 seemed to come right at the end of their lives. I've always thought that new systems cripple creativity rather than unleash it, because if you work with something you know, you don't need to waste creative energy getting to know the basics behind it. You can learn more advanced

The people bitching about Nintendo things being on PS3 need to turn the fanboy down and realize why this is impressive. We're seeing what people can do with these tools, and it's the creativity of the users we're marveling at.

@eatplaysleepmore: Sackboy has plenty of charm, and "playstation" didn't steal anything.

@Bubbleman! gets the Lead out.: Because Nintendo gave them something in their childhood, and they can look back on it fondly rhetorical elipsis...


@Jordan White: SCEI and Sony BMG are separate branches and operate quite differently. For instance, Sony music could be on Wii, Ds, and 360 games. SCEI trademarked characters and such would NOT be. The same applies to Sony Pictures. Games based on their movies could be on other systems.

@digimope: A higher framerate will not be more nausea inducing... It just makes it more like the "framerate" our eyes / brain operate at and will feel less like a film.

@Stryks: There's also Eye of Judgment, and the fact that this is an iPhone app, not anything made by Sony, so your point is completely and utterly invalid from every angle.

So is this the same MAG demo that was only for plus subscribers before, just that it's for everyone now?

GD-ROM 2!!

@Luke MacDonald: And, you know, doesn't have massive failures out the gate or in the first year or so. I hope that too.

@MPLightning: Sony will get it right... *sniff*... They just will... I just hope it can use other android apps besides the Playstation suite ones, and we can get emulators on it without hacking it. I would LOVE to have one portable to replace my 2 with.

(maybe) widespread failures on a Nintendo portable?