Luke MacDonald

@Cloud_Hiro: Oh, this describes it so well! I'm definitely on the "Love it" side, here.

@Stryks: Exactly this. She's been locked up in that robot suit for far too long. She's not exactly bursting with emotion. The most she gets is when the baby Metroid dies.

The past and Samus Aran are my

@mdo7: Ok. You're right. Would that be a bad thing?

@vorpal_raddish: It's been a while since I played the first game, but

Glasses free 3d only works for one person, really. Sweet spot doesn't make for good TV viewing. Now, polarized 3d TVs with cheap polarized lenses (vs less expensive flashing TVs with hideously expensive shutter glasses) is a better idea for more than one person.

So a series that seems like a perfect fit for Sony's "wand" (and later Wiimote and Move) gets a hands free rail shooter instead. Genius.

@Batman: bahahahaahahaha... Poor Fred...

@PSWii2008: A starred facebook user??? /0

@shoutanenjeru: Your testicles are too large? May be cancer. You should get that looked at. Wouldn't want to lose them. Miss out on producing what would be lovely offspring, I'm sure.

@PristineSneakers: I'm just amazed the movie "sickens" you because it plays up the video game references. That seems rather petty. Maybe you really have anger about something else, and needed something that can't fight back to take it out on, or like the rush of fans tearing you a new one.

@mcderek3000: @mcderek3000: DOn't know about the US, but in Korea, Last Airbender is being pushed as a huge American blockbuster, so I'm sure every American movie loving Korean has seen it now. Ads are in busses and all over the place.

@shoutanenjeru: Could it be that some people LOVE the references, and think the movie is really clever?

@RyuuzakiBjorn: Yeah. Could be HUGE in the UK. And there are gamers all over Europe... But if you're in Germany, you'll have to import it from another country.

@Ueziel: *raises hand* One of those people. I wouldn't be playing Lair 2 either, even if I saw 100 fans say it was the greatest thing ever (mostly because I've seen 100 fans say Lair is the greatest thing ever)

Huh. That's cool, I guess.

@Recoil: Don't know about China, but everyone knows the japanese economy runs on Loopholes. Soaplands replaced full on prostitution, tentacles replaced genetalia in anime, and Pachinko replaced slot machines.