Luke MacDonald

Facepalming at people complaining about Vanille's "fake" Australian Accent...

@Thut: Esque? You know, she actually IS Australian.

It couldn't have anything to do with Red Steel being a really bad game, could it?

@Phaz: Agreed. I'm amazed people are complaining about this. Bioshock wasn't about the water.

@redadil4: Amazing. Truly amazing.

That guy looks JUST like a guy I knew at school, except he's coherent while the guy I knew at school was a savant /b/tard who couldn't hold together a logical thought process long enough to get anywhere.

@Chris Morrison: The PAID servers are making money off Actvision's property.

@Chris Morrison: TOS isn't the law. Question is, are Free servers lawful, not are they against the TOS.

@FakeOffice: I don't have many local friends, so I go alone all the time. Good thing they theaters here don't dub their movies (so far...)

Sad thing (for the PS3 owners that bought into it) that creature at the beginning of the vid looks better than the sea serpent in Lair... My word, that thing looked like butt.

@Luke MacDonald: by that, I mean not everyone does it to look cool. It could just be to cover up stuttering or huge gaps between talking.

@AARST: I do jump cuts when I do these look at the camera vids because I screw up when I talk, and need to cut those moments out. Not because I think it looks cool.

@ExistentialEgg: I was going to say something similar. "Why would Tim Rogers shorten anything?, including his name?"

@Koda89: It does seem off, but that's ACTUALLY how it's spelled. Mortal combat is something happens, while Mortal Kombat is just a video game series... I think it's that the phrase isn't used very often anymore, possibly because of the game series.

@1Mystic-G: Depends on the price, and considering the machine it's based on, that may be too high for mass adoption, since Sony's the opposite of Apple afterall.

Third person. I like a character to connect with. I play UT3 all the time, but when I run a game, I always use the "Gears Cam" mod. It's the best of both worlds, because you can CHOOSE which mode you use.

@cutmaclass: : Not this. Link is grandfathered in, but I can't stand Gordon Freeman, and I've never said "That's me!" when playing a blank character like Gordon. I've just thought "Why won't that idiot ever talk, or look in a mirror? Ph.D my ass!" and take my rage out on some head crabs. And then chuck things at the

@t4paN: Well, generally teachers at these places do know what they're doing, even if they're not quite sure how to teach it.